Part 2 heh

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Zander & Luke probably not but definatly making out.
Zander's mom: oh wow right in the living room
Hailey: um ew-
Bethany: CAN I TRY??

Hailey: Hey Luke
Luke: yeah
Hailey: what's it like dating Zander? I mean like.. no offense but it can't be all that great.
Luke: Hailey, take something you love, but don't exactly like the aftermath of. Like, a birthday party. The party is fun but once it's over, it's kind of aggravating cleaning up someone else's mess. That's what dating Zander is like except I don't get angry at him because he is too amazing..


Luke: Zander, he's totally staring at you.
Zander: who?
Luke: me. I'm staring at you. I love you


Sean: don't be sad! You've got plenty of good qualities! Like, your good looking, your super funny, your popular-
Sean: *elbows Milly and Zander*
Milly: you have yellow hair, you sing
Zander: your name is Jake
Sean: you guys are terrible


Hailey: we can't find our friend. Can you please help us find him?
Police officer: sure. what does he look like.
Milly: *holding up grapes* like this
Jake: *dying of laughter*
Luke: *having a panic attack* MY BABY *tears*
Sean: uh- imma just sit in that corner.


Zander: I have the sharpest memory of all of you. Name one thing I forgot.
Jake: you forgot me in a Walmart parking lot last week
Luke: you forgot to give me a goodbye kiss yesterday
Hailey: yesterday mom forced you to drive me and Bethany to the playground and you forgot both of us there.
Sean: you AND Luke forgot to come to practice the other day.. by the way? Why did I see you both leave the bathroom when I was walking to my class?
Milly: you forgot to give me mY GOODBYE HUG LAST WEDNESDAY.
Zander: no, all of that was on purpose.


Luke: we're in sync. We finished each other's..
Luke: Ssssssss
Zander: somebody once told me-


Hailey: Zander. Milly, Jake, and Luke are stranded on an island. You can save two. Who do you save?
Zander: Luke.
Hailey: And?
Zander: l u k e
Hailey: no-
Zander: L U K E

Heh I hope you liked-

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