Part doce

893 21 46

Jake: I wanna tell a joke but I can only remember the punch line.
Hailey: continue
Jake: tooth hurty
Zander: what's the best time to go to the dentist.
Jake: you complete me.

Hailey while they watch Zander and Luke make out: remember that time I accidentally cut off half of my finger skin on a guitar string.
Jake: yeah.
Hailey: well this is worse.
Jake: remember that time i found a ten dollar bill on the ground and then a few minutes later I found another?
Milly: yeah.
Jake: this is better.

Zander: don't worry, you've got everything you need to defeat him.
Jake: the power to believe in myself?
Zander: no a knife
Zander. Stab him.

Jake: am I in trouble?
Hailey: take a guess.
Jake: no..
Hailey: take another guess.

Zander: Luke, Icarly without the car
Luke: *passes out*

Milly: Zander, say subs without the b
Zander: sus?
Zander: *colapses*

Hailey: what are we doing?
Zander: wasting ever goddamn minute of our lives.
Hailey: I meant for lunch

[when they were 14]
Zander: Hey Luke, watcha writing?
Luke: Oh, nothing.
-two years later/present time-
Luke: yeah I was actually writing our wedding vows. Its 50 ish pages long
Zander: ...

Jake: when you said 'magical in bed' this wasnt exactly what i was thinking.
Zander: *holds up 8 of hearts* is this your card?
Jake: *under his breath* holy sh!t..

Im back.. Hope you enjoyed:]

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