Angst hcs<33

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Heyyy- i HATE angst but I love torturing myself sooo angst hc- also I kinda stole this idea (with permission) from @veryswag_lemon101 so go check out theirs!

Also tw I will talk abt some sensitive topics bc I want these rly angsty and sad -

-Zander cuts himself purposefully. Luke and Jake used to. (Side lander bc I can't help myself- Luke doesn't know that Zander does that. But Zander knows luke used to. Zander is the only one allowed to see the scars because Luke likes to have Zander 'kiss them better')

-Jake gets ignored a lot. His family treats his brother way better and stuff, so often Jake will go a whole day without talking to them. He used the music club to cope with that. Even Zander texts with him bc he understands family issues. Music club = a real family 🛐

- Zander is actually in contact with his biological dad. His dad is rly off putting and doesn't even act like he loves Zander. He yells at him for being gay too.

- Lia hates Zoey. But she also likes her like likes her. She doesn't wanna bully Milly at all. She does it all to make Zoey like her more. Ofc Zoey says homophobic things all the time.

- Liam on the other hand likes Henry. He gets rly jealous whenever he sees henry with girls and he tries to pull him away. It never works because Henry is straight.

- Milly has adhd and a hard time learning. She gets made fun of for that. Luke is pretty dyslexic. Hes also color blind- (poor luke) so his teachers try their best to sit him next to Zander Hailey or Jake so he can ask for help.

-Zander is very self consious. Not neccisarily abt the way he looks, more so his personality.

- Luke has been in the hospital a lot of times. He had asthma when he was younger and it was pretty bad. So Zander would visit him and cry because he though Luke was gonna die. Now Zander can barely walk into an hospital without crying bc he can't stand the thought of losing Luke.

Okay that's all guys<3

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