Tmf on twitter - part 59

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All of these r meant to be tweets lmao😭😭


Jake: embarrassed bc im walking down the sidewalk and a rat is just like walking next to me and it looks like we're tg

Zander: did you consider that maybe the rat is embarrassed too


Zander: dudes be like "at least I'm not selling my body" but r in the military

Zander: aye if u mad lemme remind U idc


Milly: don't talk to be while I'm rubbing my eye.. I'm not gonna hear u.

Hailey: why does this make so much sense

Jake: my eye be like *switchy switchy*


Liam: we be doing school shooting drills as if the shooter isn't a student.. bro there's an imposter among us


Zander: told Jake I was ambidextrous he said "that's what's up man love who you love"

Hailey: that's a good dude even if he's stupid


Luke: HATE when I'm saying something serious and I accidentally rhyme. I am not the Lorax!!!!!!!!


Milly: "y/n giggled" NO THE FUCK I DID NOT

Zander: I will never "teeheehee" for a man no matter how big his titties are


Boycl!t b@llfondle butts3x (Henry): I LIKE GETTING F!STED!!!!

Drew: i graffitied ur username on the wall of some building last night when I was high

Henry: omg yassssssssss

Liam: i fuckimg love Twitter


Hailey: you ever get so tired u start seeing spiders

Zander: me after taking 17 Benadryl and start seeing the hat man

Hailey: THE WHO

Zander: oh this not a safe place suddenly


Elliott: when I leave the zoom and my smile disappears I do feel like a serial killer

Sadie: I think about this tweet every day


Shannon: my seven year old loves ur music how can u not make it appropriate for everyone

Jake: bless ur seven year old but I need to be a slut sometimes ma'am


Luke: pls help. Two of my friends r arguing in one of my timelines and this is the tweet that started it->

Milly: you voted for Bernie sanders and I'm fucking him sweetie. We are not the same.


Daisy: the phrase "it's just a game" is such a week mindset. You are ok with what happened, losing, imperfection of craft. When you stop getting angry after losing, you've lost twice.

Zander: me playing papas pizzaria on coolmath


Sean: I think dudes that feel weird around gay dudes are GAY!!! Gotta think about it.... You can put me in a room full of the purest crack and I wouldn't look twice.. why? Cuz I'm not a crackhead. You put a crack head in that position.... You see where I'm going.

Hailey: Goodmorning to this philosopher


Drew: would y'all get mad at Harry or unstan him for being in a relationship with a poc /gen /srs

Zander: the queen talking to the royal family


Drew: Zander tweets like a teenage girl

Zander: im sorry can you teach me how to tweet like a man🥺


Luke: one time I ate so much salmon that I could barely move, and then my mom was like oh here have some blueberry pie for dessert, and in that moment I understood what it was like to be a grizzly bear.

Milly: livin the dream

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