Random hc😀😀

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Ok this is a random hc but hc that the entire clubs height is two inches apart 😭😭

Milly is 5'4
Hailey is 5'6
Zander is 5'8
Jake is 5'10
Luke is 6'0
And Sean is 6'1 but they round it to 6'2 so it fits with the rest😭😭

And adding onto this they all found out like this:

Jake: *making jokes abt Zander being short*
Zander: that's not even funny Jake your short too
Jake: no. I'm 5'10 that's only two inches away from 6'0🙄
Luke: hey wait I'm 6'0
Zander: woah that's crazy we all have 2 inch height differences. That's like the size of Jake's di-
Hailey: lol I'm 5'6 add me to the gang
*Everyone looks at sean*
Sean: ...
Sean: 6'1.7..
Luke: well that's basically 6'2🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
Jake: yeah pretty much
*they are all absolutely baffled and dumbfounded, one might even say flabbergasted at this discovery*

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