If zander fake asked out luke

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No bc imagine zander fake asking out Luke- like beforr he liked him back- prollu in liks sevemth grade

Zander: heyyy
Luke: hello😁
Zander: soooo i gotta ask you something
Luke: alright!!
Zander: do u wanna go out with me?
Luke: YES!
Zander: get pranked
Luke: oh lol!😂🙏
Zander: yeah stoopid bish

*luke puts his phone down*

Luke: welp time to go sob for the third time today over him:D

(present time)

Luke: hey sweeeeeeetie
Zander: hey luuuuuuuuke
Luke: so you remember in grade seven when u fake asked me out
Zander: omg yes amd then startsd liking you three months later i so regretted telling u it was a prank
Luke: mhm well i had a crush on you then i was v dissapointed:(
Zander: oh whoops lmao
Luke: mmmhm i cried over that
Zander: oh sry lmao
Luke: sure u r 😒
Zander: dont be mad at me i was twelve i thought i was straight lmao
Zander: imagine that
Luke: no thx i would rather not imagine my bf being straight

Kk im done i just felt bad for r bb luke

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