Part thrHEEHEE

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Jake being a raging bisexual: when Zander and Hailey smile, I die
Luke: *pulls out knife*
Zander: When you die, I smile.

Milly: Damnit. I lost Luke.
(Five minutes later)
Milly: hehe this will work for sure.
(Smirks and lifts Zander)
Zander: MILLY FU-
(Gets tackled bye Luke)
Luke: Zander!(hugging Zander)
Milly: found him.


*watching Milly and Jake doing something stupid*
Hailey: if you had to chose between Milly and Jake who would y-
Zander: d e a t h


Hailey: [answering her phone] Hello?
Zander: it's Zander
Hailey: oh no what did he do this time?
Zander: no it's me. Zander. It's actually me.
Hailey: oh, what did you do.
Zander: I BuRnt tHe maC And ChEeSe aNd iTs StuCk tO tHe poT HeLp


[when they were 14]
Luke: *under his breath* future boyfriend say what
Zander: *not hearing him* what?
Luke: *gasp* nothing


(When the club goes out to eat)
Luke: my mouth is hot (fanning hand in front of mouth)
Zander: then maybe you should stop eating hot things dumbass.
Luke: but I don't wanna stop eating you
Hailey: *laughs so hard water comes out of her nose*
Milly: BAHAGAHAHAHA WHAT *crying laughing, also eating spicy food*
Sean: oh um-
Jake: *dead*
Zander:...w h a t t h e a c t u a l h e l l


(Zander falls asleep on Luke's chest in the music room)
Luke: what's this..
Milly: *cough* gay *cough*
Luke: this feeling?
Jake: gay shmay fay gay gay
Luke: my heart won't stop.. pounding?
Hailey: g a y g a y g a y g a y
Luke: but he's.. he's a boy too..


(Kind of Drake? I don't ship it but I think Drew likes Jake so- Idk)
Jake: Drew can you come find me I think I'm lost
Drew: if you got yourself lost while playing Pokémon go I swear—
Jake: I caught at Eevee, if you come pick me up I'll name it Drew.
Drew: on my way.


Henry: my boyfriend is too tall for me to kiss him. What should I do?
Drew: punch him in the stomach when he leans over in pain, kiss him.
Jake: tackle him
Zander: dump him.
Milly: kick him in the shins.
Liam: No to all of those. Just ask me to lean down.
Jake: wait. Your dating?
Drew: you've been spending so much time with your freak friends that you don't even know they are dating. Cold.


Luke: how can you say that Zander is scary? He's the most precious and soft soul!
Zander: *getting off the ground, blood on his fists from punching Drew* YEAH IM FVCKING ADORABLE


Zander: I'm the most responsible in the group.
Hailey: you literally just lit the kitchen on fire
Zander: yeah, and I take full responsibility for that.


Zander: guys! Vibe check! *slaps Jake, and runs to Luke for safty*


Hailey: woah, Daisy is really pretty.
Jake: don't be jealous Hailey, your good looking too.
Hailey: I'm not jealous, Jake, I'm being bisexual.

Jake: woah, Zander is hella pretty.
Hailey: don't be jealous, Jake, your handsome too.
Jake: Hailey, I'm not jealous. I'm Bi.


Luke: *nervously to drew* I t-think your spiritually a, uh, New Yorker
Zander: I think this is the nicest way to say "you're an  a$$hole"


Haha okay umm I hope you enjoyed this-

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