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Jake: (rolling over for the 40th time in the middle of the night)
Zander, under his bed: will you shut the fuck up

Henry: I brought a gun because of my bird phobia
Therapist: you might be getting carried away
Henry: (firing at the ceiling) nkt without a fight

Hailey: what are some fucked up animal facts?
Luke: my hamster bites me even though I am so nice to him

Milly: having your tote bag fall off your shoulder when you bend down is actually degrading
Zander: okay??

Michael: f-ing wit a British bitch she said her knickers dastardly wet 😲😩

Luke: do you have a favorite actor?
Bethany: I like sonic the hedgehog.
Luke: what about a favorite song?
Bethany: sugar by macaroon 5.
Luke: maroon 5?
Bethany: yeah.

Henry: ae u rly gay
Zander: YES what the fuck
Henry: like p^ssy makes ur stomahc hurt
Zander: why do u ask😭
Henry. Like u like it big n girthy n 6 pack n u want like 6'6 dude jus like
Henry: thars crazy

Shorted chapter but wtvrrr😭😭 also sry I have been busy with work 💔💔

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