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Tmf n their opinions on masks:
Zander: hates them too but will throw hands if your not wearing one.
Hailey: doesn't like the way it feels but does like how it hides her face
Jake: would probably wear it under his nose n get hit by Zander
Luke: hates it but wears them n minds his own business when someone isn't wearing one, let's Zander do the dirty work.
Milly: will also throw hands if your not wearing one
Sean: loves masks bc he can hide his adorable face n no one can smell his breath

Luke: I made you a friendship bracelet
Zander: ya know im not really a jewelry person.
Luke: you dont have to wear it.
Zander: no. Im going to wear it. Forever. Back off.

Zander: softly and with my lips.
Jake: aight bet;)
Zander: no, I just want to punch you.

Zander: *slaps Lukes  ass* nice solo Luke
Luke: *sigh* youd think after 5 times my butt would be sore.

Elliott: *pokes millys butt* n-nice solo milly!

Jake:  *slaps Haileys ass* nice solo-
Haikey: *leg sweap*

Zander: if a toy dies in toy story, all the other toys have to watch the kid play with a dead corpse
Hailey: and there goes my day

Ms. J: well, you made a lot of people around this school very anxious
Drew: yeah. Its because they are all bitch ass white boys.
Ms. J: i hate to break it to you, but you are also a bitch ass white boy

Zander: want to know how i really hurt my wrists?
Jake: yes
Zander: me and Luke took a hoola hooping class. We learnt all the tricks.
Jake: oh.. Why are you telling me this?
Zander: because no one will believe you.
Jake: you sick basta-

Zander: when I get married I'm going to taste every cake they have
Luke: you future husband will love that
Zander: how do you know
Luke: because I love cake!

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