Part 58

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Milly *in Zander's kitchen): good morning!
Zander: when did you get here?
Milly: I spent the night
Zander: but I remember you leaving before I went to bed you said 'goodnight I'm going home' and then you left
Milly: yeah, but then on my way out I tripped and fell down the stairs
Zander: oh my god are you hurt?
Milly: nah I just didn't feel like getting up so I slept on the floor

Liam: they call me coffee cuz I grind so fine;)
Henry: they call me coffee bc I keep u up past 2 am;)
Drew: they call me coffee because I'm really bitter and most people don't like me without changing some aspect of what I am

Zander: don't break my heart
Luke: don't break my jaw
Zander: don't break my heart and I'll have no reason to break your jaw

Luke: Hailey is going to kill us when she finds out!
Milly: you mean... if she finds out
Luke: if... If is good.

Zander: alright Bethany let's show Jake what we learned.
Zander: what's the opposite of up?
Bethany: down
Zander: what's the opposite of big?
Bethany: little
Zander: what's the opposite of good?
Bethany: Jake
Jake: ........fuck you zander

Milly: I'm really good at impressions!
Zander: prove it
Milly: okay, I'll do an impression of your father..
Milly: *walks away*

Jake: *talking abt feelings*
Jake: *still talking abt feelings*
Jake: are you climbing out the window?
Zander: *halfway out the window* no.

(Hailey and Jake texting)
Jake: cnt w8t 2 c u bby, wat u get me 4 my bday?
Hailey: something you desperately need;)
Jake: tll me!
Hailey: a fucking tutor and dictionary

Liam: hey drew where's Henry?
Drew: in the closet.
Liam: yeah I know that, but where is he?
Henry: *walks out of closet*
Henry: I'm right here asshole.

Hailey: just be yourself. Be nice!
Zander: which? I can't do both.

Luke: I hate talking irl and not being able to keyboard smash
Milly: ahdjdisjkekef what do you mean?
Luke: how the fuck did you just say that with your mouth?

Some random person: hey Luke, Zander, who wears the pants in your relationship?
Zander: hopefully neither of us will be wearing pants.

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