Part 5

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One a roller coaster
Jake & Milly: 1...2...3! *stands up*
Drew: I am not going to scream I am a maAHHHHHHHH
Sean: think about daisy think about daisy think about daisy think about da-
Zander: eyes closed, breaking Luke's hand
Luke: trying not to scream in pain and fear, hand hurts
Henry: screaming so loud they can hear him in Mexico
Hailey: internal scream
Daisy: is Hailey okay? Also, WHEEEEEEE


Zander: you know Luke, I'm jealous of you
Luke: why
Zander: your boyfriend is way hotter than mine
Luke: wha- oh hEY


Zander: the pianists are all so pretty here at this competition
Luke: quit talking about yourself
Zander: you think I'm.. pretty?
Luke: sHI-


Luke: *holds up a poorly drawn picture of ice cream with 7 scoops of ice cream and a cherry on top.* everything on this represents something I love about you.
Zander: how so?
Luke: well, this is you, your smile, your laugh, your personality, your taste in music, your beautiful face, and this last one is everything else about you. *points at each scoop*
Zander: aww, but what about the cherry?
Luke: oh, the cherry tops it off, it represents you fat ass.
Zander: ..
Luke: ..
Luke: because your fat ass tops everything off-
Zander: i know-


Zander: im not even that dramatic milly.
Hailey: when i asked u why u were wearing a bejeweled tiara you quoted the entirity of shakespeers "all the worlds a stage" monologue and then you broke down crying.


Zander: so Drew sneezed the other day and I accidentally said "shut the f^ck up"
Hailey: how to you accidentally say 'shut the f^ck up'?


Jake: so, I heard you liked bad boys.
Hailey: I don't really li-
Jake: if it helps you to know, I don't look both ways when I cross the street
Hailey: that's very dangerous.
Jake: I know. ..I don't actually do that


Zander: hey will you get something out of my back pocket for me?
Luke: what am I getting out of it?
Zander: a chance to feel my ass.


Jake: are we in Tennessee?
Hailey: oh god-
Jake: cuz' your the only ten I see;D
Hailey: WE LIVE IN (insert where they live here)


Luke: Zander, what are your favorite things?
Zander: uh.. pianos, dogs, you, classical music, sleep..
Luke: wait... what? Repeat yourself
Zander (sweating): pianos, dogs, classical music, sleep?
Luke: I think you left something out..
Zander: no-


Zander: *screams*
Jake: *screams louder*
Luke: should we do something-?
Hailey: no, i kind of want to see who wins-


Zander: its really cold out here
Luke: *takes off his sweater and drapes it over Zanders shoulders*
Jake: well I'm cold too ya'know
Hailey: GODDAMIT JAKE I TOLD YOU TO WEAR THAT GODDAMN JACKET THAT YOURE ALWAYS TALKING ABOUT BUT NOoooooOo *pulls of oversized sweater and hands to Jake, taking his hand.*
Jake: *smirking*


Zander in the club room: Hailey.. I kissed Luke.
Hailey: *gasp* was he holding you? Or where his hands, like, you know, on your back or..?
Zander: no actually.. they started on my waist.. and then they slid up and they were in my hair..
Hailey: oh god! That's so sweet

[in the gym changing room]

Luke: Jake I kissed Zander
Jake: cool. Tongue?
Luke: yeah
Jake: cool.


Jake: Luke come practice with me
Luke (In his head): practice sure is fun.
Luke (in his head): you know what else is fun? Killing Jake
Luke (in his head): that doesn't sound like fun Luke.
Luke (in his head): well how do you know? All you do is play drums Luke.
Luke (in his head): I think Luke is right. We need to branch out in our hobbies Luke.
Luke (in his head): oh sh^t Jake stopped talking that means he wants you to respond to something
Luke: I wasn't thinking about killing you
Jake: aww thank you
Luke (in his head): nailed it.


Zander: I may be short. But I'm knowing.
Jake: you aren't 'knowing' what the top shelf looks like
Zander: ...
Jake: (starts to run for safty, trips and falls on his face)
Zander: well you must be 'knowing' what the floor looks like
Zander: and you'll be more 'knowing' of it when I shove your face into it with my foot.


Hailey: go f^ck yourself.
Jake: *sprawled out on bed* I'm too lazy. Do it for me.
Hailey: *stomps on jakes face*


Milly & Zander walking down the street in dark black glasses and backwards hats on blasting gangsters paradise: bEeN sPeNdIng MOsT oF OuR lIVes LivIng In tHe GaNgsTeRs PaRaDiSe
Luke: watch out for cars baby! *trying to keep up with their swag*
Hailey: *smacks forhead*


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