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Milly: its the inside that matters, not the outside
Zander, who just called himself ugly: example?
Milly: refridgerator
Zander: good point

Luke, hearing noises: WHOS THERE??
Hailey: Luke-

Zander: did you eat all my fcking donuts
Hailey, with donuts in her mouth: no
Zander: than what's that on your pants
Hailey: coc@in

Jake, shining a flashlight under his bed: are you ready to come out and interact with people?
Zander: *demonic screeching*
Jake: understandable have a nice day.

Zander: *puts salt in coffee, gives it to Luke*
Luke: *drinks coffee*
Zander: ...
Luke: *finishes coffee*
Zander: did you notice anything weird about the coffee?
Luke: yes I did but I didn't wanna hurt your feelings so I drank it all
Zander, Tears filling his eyes: okay

*at drews funeral*
Zander: I bet he's looking up at us right now
Jake: w-
Jake: wait looking up?
Zander: yeah. I'm most definatly sure he went to h3ll.

Bethany: *crying because she burnt her hand*
Zander, who told her blue fire is cold: 😏
Shannon: ...

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