Part like 25??

647 19 18

Milly: if we can't call ourselves the squad-fam, can we at least be the cool kid squad?
Zander, who's very done with Milly: sure. I don't even care anymore.

Milly: I accidentally ate Zander's snacks. How long do you think I'll live??
Luke: ten
Milly: ten what?
Luke: nine

Luke: it's not illegal
Police officer looking through his trunk which is full of peanutbutter and grapes: it's just.. there's so much-
Luke: but it's not illegal.
Poultice officer: but-
Luke: it's not.

Luke: you have really pretty eyes..
Zander, suspiciously: thank you..
Luke: *leans in slowly*
Zander, panicking, not wanting to be kissed (his mom is right there): YOU CANT HAVE THEM
Luke, giggled: *still kissy kissy*
Shannon: awww Michael look! Zander learned that from me
Michael: ...

Zander, running into the hospital: omg what happened?? How did you break your leg?!
Jake: I guess I was on my knees for you too much. *wink*
Zander: Jake! Not in front of the doctors-

Jake, staring at Hailey, also drvnk: how are you real!?
Hailey: actually I'm not. You made me up in your head,
Jake: *starts crying*
Hailey: OMG WHAT?!?
Jake: I knew I could only make someone as irritating and beautiful up in my head!
Hailey: why did I think marrying you was a good idea?

Hailey: bro can I have some chips?
Milly: no.
Hailey: please...
Milly: f**k off
Hailey: (gets up, straddles Milly, and leaned in really close, whispering in a sultry tone) give me a chip.
Milly: *very red*

Hailey: *turns on lamp for reading*
Jake: I guess you could call me a lamp
Hailey: why?
Jake: bc you turn me on( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Hailey: *kicks slipper off as to throw at Jake*

Zander, sitting in Lukes lap: pay attention to meee
Luke: we were just making out like, two minutes ago
Zander: your point?

JSJDIDEN next chapter im gonna try and put NO lander- maybe even try some different ships( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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