Small rant

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Okay so I hate it sm when ppl r like offended when ppl make the music club say dirty jokes or remarks towards each other like they aren't 15-17 years old. Like mf im 14 and have said some of the wildest shit to my friends

And also when ppl get all defensive when someone says shit abt a ship making out?? Like ma'am??? They're Teens??? That's what teens do???

It just annoys me when ppl make it sound like they're ten years old when they're almsot adults like I understand that a lot of younger kids probably watch tmf but I doubt you'd see that younger audience on wattpad or discord ykwim?

Like sTop they're just normal teens 😭😭 like as much as my stories r so far fetched I try to make them at least a little relatable and I so love when other writers do that

I'm NOT under any circumstances trying to say that smut abt tmf is okay like while they're underaged but regarding everything I covered it jsut pisses me off😭

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