Part 32:)

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Zander: *I wonder why jakes been so quiet.. is he on to me and Luke? What does he know that I don't..*
Jake: *I wonder how I can trick him into getting me taco bell*

Luke: Zander, do you wanna get coffee sometime?
Zander: sure when
Luke: after school
Zander: wait.. you do mean that in a gay way right?
Luke: yes, in a gay way.
Zander: full homo?
Luke: a full homosexual coffee date.

Jake, climbing through Zander's window at 3am: hey Zander I lear- stop screaming it's me- I learned a new song and I need you to play with me

It's doesnt make you gay if you think Luke is hot. We all think he's hot.
-Zander Wickham to everyone

Luke: we've gotta find a way to cut down on expenses. What can we live without?
Zander: Jake

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