Port noine

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Luke: okay when does a joke become a dad joke?
Sean: when it becomes, Apparent *smirks, flicking cap and putting on ebic shades*

Milly: hey zander, would you go up to that little kid over there and say 'is it bussin' for $30
Zander: hell yeah ill do it for 20.
Milly: *shows $30*

Zander: do you realize we never stop tasting our tongues? *stares in astonishment*
Luke: how about I taste yours for a change?
Jake: you smooth bast^rd.

Hailey: sorry I was looking for the mute button.
Jake: *offended gasp*

Jake: hey Zander, you know how your best friends with the most beautiful person ever? Aka me.
Zander: no, but go on.
Jake: earlier I ate a whole bag of glitter so the inside of me can be just as beautiful as the outside
Zander:.. you..what?
Jake: ¯\(◕▿◕✿)/¯
Zander: get in the car. We're going to the hospital.
Jake: good idea I think I'm dying.

Hailey: for self defence reasons, im going to act like a burgler and you have to defend yourselves.
Jake: got it.
Zander: sure.
Hailey: give me all your money or ill sh00t you! *finger gvns*
Jake: bold of you to assume i have money.
Zander: bold of you to assume i want to live.

Luke: okay. Going to plan b?
Hailey: technically, that would be plan g.
Milly: how many plans is do we have? Is there plan M?
Hailey: yes but in plan M Jake dies.
Zander: i like plan m.

Jake: I'm scared
Sean: Hailey said to go to bed.
Jake: but Zander is in my bed again
Sean: is he scarier than Hailey when she's mad?
Jake: *goes back to bed*

Mom: how long are we going to let him do that?
Hailey: *pinching the bridge of her nose* give him a minute.
Jake: *still trying to pull a door that is clearly labeled push*

Jake & Hailey: *in physics*
Teacher: everything in physics is attracted to you.
Jake: I'm attracted to you.
Hailey: my foots attracted to your ass.

Jake: when people get too chummy with me I like to call them by the wrong name, just so they know I don't care.
Zander: that's genius.
Jake: thank you.
Zander: your welcome, Lester.

Luke: *falls off a cliff*
Zander: luKE ARE YOU O—
Luke: Zander, sweetie, are you okay?
Zander: ..but you where the one who just-
Luke: I don't care. Are you okay?

I hope you enjoyed, luv u❤️❤️❤️

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