Main 6 + jomies road trip edition

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Tmf road trip edition

Purple: Zander-window seat- arm around Luke's shoulder -Literally just stared out the window the whole time Red: Luke- asleep- left around wrapped around Zander's waist -simp-only wakes up for food and bathroom breaksYellow: Jake-bothering Zander ...

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Purple: Zander
-window seat
- arm around Luke's shoulder
-Literally just stared out the window the whole time
Red: Luke
- asleep
- left around wrapped around Zander's waist
-only wakes up for food and bathroom breaks
Yellow: Jake
-bothering Zander
-has to pee
Hailey: teal
-good with directions
-controls the bathroom breaks
Sean: blue-purple, driver
-singing the whole time
-has the aux
Milly: pink
-in the trunk
-yes, that's right

Purple: Zander-window seat- arm around Luke's shoulder -Literally just stared out the window the whole time Red: Luke- asleep- left around wrapped around Zander's waist -simp-only wakes up for food and bathroom breaksYellow: Jake-bothering Zander ...

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Drew: maroon
-In the passengers seat
-texting Zoey
-has aux
-playing some rap songs
Jake: yellow
-singing his heart out
-helping henry and liam bother Drew
Henry: green
-bothering Drew
-Cuddling with liam ("bromance" edition)
Liam: red
-extremely blushing
-bothering Drew very much
-helping henry bother Drew
-cuddling with Henry (romance edition)

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