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Luke: ugh I can't sleep.
Zander: welp, I can.
Luke: .. oh
Zander: *sigh* is there anything I can do to help?
Luke: well, your lips on mine might help
Zander: Uhm- what-?
Luke: wanna makeout-
Zander: sure

Stacy: I would walk through FIRE for Luke
Stacy: well, not fire because it's dangerous, but a super humid room.
Stacy: but not TOO humid, because my hair

Drew: where's Henry?
Liam: I got this.
Liam, shouting down the halls: IT REALLY DO BE LIKE THAT HUH
(Distant foot steps booking it down the halls)

Sadie, hanging upside down pretending she's dead: ...
Zander: that's my girl. *ignoring all the screaming*

Hailey: did it hurt when you fell-
Jake: from heaven? No I'm not giving you my number.
Hailey: no I mean when you fell from your Uber. I saw you trip on your foot and just lay there for like ten minutes.
Zander: .. we all saw that

Drew: your so weak and pathetic freak! I'll always be better than you loser-
Zander: *pulls out loaded pistol* say that sh!t again and you better hope your fat ass can deflect these damn bullets.

Bethany: I want to be as cool as Sean!
Zander: I literally saw him drop a slice of pizza and cry for 20 minutes.

Luke: any news?
Doctor: we're waiting for your X-ray
Zander: hey yes never dated someone name Ray. *jealous*
Doctor: and we are preparing a brain scan for you.

Sry this chapter is short too I'm carsick so I can't continue- ALSO LIKE FOUR DAYS TILL EPISODE 6 IS OUT AKDJDIWKW

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