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Hailey: the saying 'beauty sleep' is bullshit. I sleep for twenty hours a day and I still wake up looking like a trash can.
Jake: well not everyone can be as pretty as me. Sorry Hailey.
Luke: (walks in the room) hey Zander can I-
Jake: No Luke. Fvck you and your effortless beauty. Get out.

Shannon: Hey Zander. What did Jake get you for your birthday?
Zander: a headache.

TMF on the bus

Hailey: why am I still here
Sean: sometimes I feel like I'm unappreciated and I'm right.
Jake: bi, shy, and ready to fvcking die
Daisy: Jesus take the wheel
Luke: I wanna go home
Milly: I'm like the straightest person here
Drew, panting: sorry I'm late. My hair was being a bitch

Luke: if you ever hurt Zander.. then you'll be dealing with me after..
Smart people: I SHIP IT

Shannon: Luke's mom called me. Why are you ignoring him?
TZander: it's called playing hard to get.
Shannon: why would you do that? Your already hard to want

Senior quotes:

Drew: they say nobodies perfect, but here I am.
Zander: I stopped trying in the sixth grade.
Daisy: the entire school population is my friend.
Jake: high school is like riding a bike. Except the bike is on fire. And the ground is on fire. And everything is on fire because it was hell.
Milly: every pizza is a personal pizza if you try hard enough. the squad fam happened.
Luke: I payed more attention to my boyfriends ass then chemistry.

[in music club gc]
Zander: I've been told that I've been too negative and hostile to the club. So to all my fellow members, if anything I have said has offended you, I genuinely thought you couldn't read.

Zander, who is older than Jake: when I was your age-

[zanders driving]
Jake: can I ask you a question
Zander: only if it's important.
Jake: do owls have eyelashes?
Zander: [pulls over to google it]

Hailey: Luke you need to help Zander become more independent. He can't do anything without you anymore.
Luke: I am helping. He's so much more independent with me.
Hailey: then why are you hand feeding him grapes and sweet talking him?
Luke: because he's my baby

Jake: did you know that the food you eat becomes energy?
Jake: [punching the air] that's cheese
Jake: [kicking the air] that's tacos
Jake: [karate chopping the air] that's donuts
Hailey: [sigh] that's my best friend.

Zander: I might be short, but I can show you something that isn't;)
The club: ...

Jake: this is purr fect
Luke: this is catastic!
Jake: dang bro. You got to be kitten me.
Luke: naw bro. I'm speaking the purr truth.
Zander: one more pun..
Luke and Jake: dang Zander don't be so depurresed
Zander: [kicks them out of his room]

Person: oh you like tmf?
Me: yes
Person: okay which is the better family? The club or the Austin/wickham family?
Me: yes

Okay that's all enjoy this slightly longer chap:)

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