Chapter Sixty Nine New Leaf

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"You look lovely." I watched my soon to be difficult mother inlaw take a sip of her wine as we sat across from each other in these cream white armchairs, only thing between us was the glass marble table that kept our wine standing. Everyone else was either in a different room or somewhere else. However Makar is in the cut peeking on us here and there. 

“I know.” Karine said instead of thanking me for the compliment, I reached for the wine bottle filling my glass to the top because I know Ima need it for this sit down.

“Not proper to drink wine.” She comment 

“Pouring wine into a glass is not proper?” I asked and she sucked her teeth.

“Having it filled all the way to the top, it’s not juice.” She shared her opinion and I casually drank from my glass, ain't juice but ima drink it like it is.

“You know Karine, what’s the problem?” I asked her fully over trying to be nice, we haven’t even started and she’s being bitchy for no apparent reason.

“Pardon?” She raises an eyebrow and I lean back in my seat crossing my legs, staring back making eye contact. 

“What exactly is your problem with me?” I raise my voice on purpose so her hearing aid or  something isn’t working right so let me be louder and vocal. The woman glared at me before rolling her eyes taking a sip of her wine again before speaking.

“Darling you don’t have a price on you, you are not worth nothing really in this type of family at least Zoya had a big check link to her.” She waves her hand and I tilt my head wearing a stank face expression. 

“Oh I’m sorry did Zoya look after your grandchild? No? Shit I’m pretty sure the mutt didn’t even look after your own son but since the bitch worth the check she gets respect?” I continued to throw question after question and watched her stare at me tapping her finger on the arm chair.

“No, but I do appreciate it. It's quite nice that one of his little friends.” She pointed me up and down. “Decided to switch up the pattern.” The words left her mouth and I bit my tongue because she basically just flat out called me a hoe, The two of us stared at one another in silence as Karine picked her glass up, swishing the wine while taking a sip. “We're done here?” She asked and I just dead gave her a blank stare deciding if I want to be shady or be a grown adult. 

“Okay I have a feeling if I stress this we’re either going nowhere or getting worse so plan b” I sat up some. “A mother relationship between her kids are important, family family so if you don’t get along with me at least try to adjust for Ruslan, it’s getting to the point where he doesn't mind fully cutting you out of his life and sadly because of my big heart.” I pat my chest finishing the rest of my wine holding a finger up indicating her that I’m not done talking. Karine pulled her glass from her lips and sat up some having that snotty facial expression fall into a worried look. 

“I don’t want that to happen, Pretty sure if Makar was to do that I would be devastated.” I finished and she nodded her head, breaking eye contact looking out the window. It was quiet for a while listening to nothing but the birds chirping outside as I stared at my nails for the time being. Need to get them done soon. 

“It’s um …. Seems to be a little odd seeing someone finally taking Franciska ….place.” Karine placed her glass down on the table crossing her legs, setting her hands on her lap sitting up. Looks like she’s actually interested in this topic so I show the same respect. Placing my empty cup glass down on the table as well and giving her my attention. She blink a few times looking like she’s trying to gather a couple of words before speaking. “I guess I am being somewhat ill to you so next time I will be aware of how to treat you.” Karine smiled and I held in a laugh because Ruslan was right, she doesn't know how to apologize. Either that or she is a narcissist, probably both.

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