Chapter Thirty Nine Don't Change

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"Did you two had a fight?" Makar ask and I looked at him a little surprise by his question. We were out back Ruslan was sitting at the table with his mother and father as Makar and I was sitting on the grass a few feet away. I'm kind of glad that I took my allergies pill.

"Why you did you asked me that?" I question as I watched him lay down and tossing the soccer ball up and catching it, repeating.

"Ion know, you were in a good mood before dad came home." He said as I sighed leaning back on my head scrolling on my phone.

"Its nothing for you to worried about it's a little disagreement we had." I saying and he stop as the ball fell in his hand and he sat up.

"What happened?" He asked and I gave him my attention. 

"Grown folks business." I said as I fix my gaze onto Ruslan and his parents. The three of them was talking as his father expression became shock and his mother look at me and gave me a smile. To be honest couldn't tell if it was genuine or not and I'm not in the mood.

"Can I go spend the night at aunt Avery's today?" Makar ask and I turn my head to him.

"Don't you have school Monday?" I asked and he huff.

"My cousin go to the same school so it's not a problem." I frown and lean on him a little making him giggle a bit.

"Oh my poor poor heart why do you want to leave me." I dramatically sighed putting more weight in him. He laughs pushing back a little bit.

"Move you're heavvvy." He whined laughing more. 

"Ouch and my little baby called me fat." I fake cried and he giggle pushing me back before jumping on me giving me a hug.

"Ian can you fat." He pout and stick his tongue out and I fick his forehead making him say ouch moving from me rubbing his head.

"Go pack your bags I'll call Avery." I said and he smile gettin up running back in the manor. I got up from the grass dusting myself off. I look across to see Ruslan and his parents stood up, his mother gave him a hug and kiss as his father pat his back before the two head inside. Ruslan walk over towards me and I roll my eyes.

"Come on." He said and I raised an eyebrow. 

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Inside the manor, we're going to have that conversation you wanted in the living room. I'm not going to wait until later on I have shit to do." He said and his tone showed that he was clearly annoyed by this. Well jokes on him I'm fucking annoyed to and I can't get rid of this guilt feeling. We went back in the manor going to the living room. I sat down on the couch as he sat across from me in the chair leaning his seat back. 

"What's your reasoning?" I asked and he shrugged. 

"Karma?" Was all he said before I gave him blank stare blinking my eyes and he sat up a little. "I didn't like how he-"

"That was old yo-"

"No what we not going to do is interrupt each other. We are having a conversation you're going to hear my reasoning and I'm going to hear why you upset about it. We are going to at least understand where we both coming from before I fix this situation, or would you like me to do the." He put his hands up and with his fingers he did quotations. "Good thing and turn myself in?" He ask and we stared at each other.

"Go, I'm listening." I said leaning back on the couch crossing my legs. 

"Like I said I didn't like how he treated you, I really don't give a fuck if it's old or not that's just how I am, I like to get even." He said casually before speaking again. "I'm.. I guess for you that went to far but for me that's not really that bad. Remember I grew up differently how I see things and make decisions is not regular to yours." He said and I nod my head taking a deep breath gathering my thoughts.

"I'm upset because I feel like that death is on me. I had told you his full name but I did not intended to have him harm in anyway, I was." I shift in my seat feeling a bit uncomfortable, I don't really sit and tell how I genuinely feel. My ex would always dismiss it so I like to avoid this feeling. "Never mind I don't wanna talk about this, I'll adjust and get over it." I dismissed the conversation. He sighed and reach out his hand.

"Come here." He said and I hesitated and stood here for a minute or two before walking over and sitting on his lap. "Continue." He said and I felt iffy about it but just went ahead.

"I was opening up, you know in a valuable state I wasn't thinking I was just venting I didn't want you to do anything. I didn't figure you would and if so Ruslan you could of just beat him up." I rest my head on his shoulder and he put his hand on my thigh bringing it up some and I got comfortable. "I'm not asking you to change that's not fair but I do want you to think before you do. As for me I'm sorry I can't help it I have a big heart I'm going to feel empathy from time to time." I said and he nod his head I look up at him to see him staring off thinking.

"He mentally abused you, you can forgive but I don't, I'm sorry I made you upset, didn't want that but I am not sorry for killing him and his wife." He said I didn't know how he can care but be so cold hearted. I shiver a little at the comment. "How do you want me to fix this."

"The news mention that they had a daughter, the grandmother has custody, I would like you to donate please." I said and he looked at me raising an eyebrow. I know it was far fetched because money is another thing he loves but this would really make me feel better at least, like I helped out. "For me please?"

Looking away he kind of pouted and that put a smile on my face. "Fine." He said and I gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Five hundred." He said and I pluck his forehead. 

"Can't be less than five grand." I said and he looked at me crazy.

"For killing them you want me to give the grandmother five fucking grand?" He asked and I nod my head.

"That's like pocket change to you if not that's like someone giving you a dollar." I said getting off him stretching. 

"Money still money Marya." He complained and I smile looking back at him.

"Either way your still going to do it because i asked." I smiled and he got up glaring before he smirked.

"Only this once, I'm not doing this shit again." He said and I was about to say something but was interrupted.

"DONEEE." Ruslan and I looked over to see Makar and his stuff booked bag packed he shook his fluffy hair smiling at us. "You not mad anymore so that means I most definitely can go." He walk over towards us and I smile ruffling his hair.

"Where is he going?" Ruslan asked and was dusting Makar off a bit taking some lint off his shirt.

"Spending the night at Avery's I allowed it since him and his cousin go to the same school. Sorry I forgot to mention it to you." I said and Ruslan smile a little. 

"It's fine, I don't mind it plus its Avery she strict when it comes to the kids." He said and I nod my head agreeing. "Ready to go?" He asked Makar and the boy said yes and the three of us walk to the front door leaving.

I don't want to change Ruslan but I do want him to understand how the normal world works. It's like he can't comprehend it, either his way or no way at all.

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