Chapter One Hundred And Eight Peace

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"Bitch you're indecisive." Lyanna said and I rolled my eyes. I had her on speaker while I was fixing myself a sandwich.

"No I ... had a change of plans." I said kinda lying. I heard my sister sucked her teeth.

"What if I have plans now." She said and I rolled my eyes.

"Do you?" I asked her and it fell silent.

"No." She admitted and I laughed.

"If you don't want to see me just say that." I told her and she dramatically gasp.

"Uht uht don't do that bitch- but wassup what you wanna do?"  She asked, ignoring my sister's rudeness I cut my sandwich in half putting the knife in the sink.

"Ou I want to go to Armia's plants and remedies, I'm trying to start a cute garden in the front yard." I said hearing my tone become beat.

"... you're old." She gave a weak insult.

"You're fat." I said back to her and she giggled.

"You can't call a pregnant woman fat Marya." She emphasized my name.

"I'm pregnant too so it cancels out." I joke, making her laugh.

"How we getting there? because I ain't driving." She said as I took a bite of my sandwich chewing.

"Halston work today?" I asked her.

"Nah Ruslan gave him a few days off." She answered.

"Well boom we have transportation." I said and she laughed out loud.

"Fuck I ain't." I heard Halston voice in the background it was a bit faded so I assume he's in a different room.

"Am I on speaker?" I asked Lyanna who was still laughing at Halston.

"Yeah sorry I didn't want to hold the phone to my ear." She said being honest and I smile shaking my head.

"Halston, you driving us today." I raised my voice knowing I'm on speaker.

"Fuck I ain't." He said and I huff.

"Yes you are, I got a few things to pick up and your girlfriend wants to join me so you're taking us." I said in a smart tone. I heard my sister laugh telling him to sit back down. I wore a smug look knowing he's coming to the phone.

"You didn't even fucking asked you demanding me to like you're my boss." He said and I let out a dry laugh.

"Ha, I'm fucking him though." I said as I couldn't help but laugh at my corny joke, which tickle Lyanna spirit because she cackles.

"Bit- I don't fucking like you." He said frustrated because he don't have a comeback.

"Awe Halston I love you too, you're not my least favorite in-law." I said taking another bite of my sandwich.

"Fuck you . . . Who's your favorite?" He asked making me laugh. "Because we been through shit." He started his case.

"HA LIKE WHAT!" I asked and Lyanna co-signed repeating me.

"You've been bitching since we first met, picked on me for smoking and help your ass with that fake ass restaurant-

"Fake ass restaurant that sorta pay your fucking bills and you're not supposed to smoke in the fucking house you nimnut." I told him off and heard Lyanna said 'here we go again'.

"In this house we do." He said putting bass in his voice, I heard a quick smack.

"The fuck we don't, and if I find out you gonna need life alert." Lyanna threatens.

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