Chapter Nineteen One step forward two steps back

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I feel sick, aint no way in hell this could be real. Who leaves a dead person in their basement let alone out in the open. I cover my mouth holding my stomach, I think Im gonna be sick. I heard footsteps coming from upstairs, I looked back at the lifeless body and back up from the door. Come move, move stop being a pussy and move.

"Marya?" I heard my name come from a familiar voice. I looked up at the top of the steps to see the door open revealing Halston, Ceasar and Mr. Nikiforov. I'm so scared, I feel dumbfounded because I really don't know what to do. My just went blank and I can hear my own heart beat, I saw Ceasar and Halston share a look before Halston pulled his gun out aiming it at me and I closed my eyes. I heard foot steps and a couple of whispers coming down the steps and some followed after. I was shaking a little and open my eyes to see Mr.Nikiforov in front of me looking down at me, he lean turned his head looking at the body that just sat there before looking at me again and a sigh left his lips.

"трясучка.(shakey)" He gently touch my arm and I just avoid eye contact the whole time. "Look at me." I could feel myself tear up about to cry, it just clicked in my mind that I actually fear this man. I looked at him to see a blanked expression on his face. "Explain."

"Huh?" I hesitated a little his expression didn't change but his finger pointed at the floor.

"Why are you in the basement Marya, you're not dumb." He said and I turn my head towards the boxes and pointed.

"I was looking for plates, extra ones Katia needed them. I-I was opening the boxes but all I saw was bed supplies and other home supplies." I gulped and felt a tear slide down my cheek. "An-d I heard a drip sound and thought it was a loose pipe." I felt my voice breaking down and pointed towards some of the pipes that were around before pointing at the dead body. "I didn't know it was one right there if I knew I wouldn't have came downstairs." We stared at each other for a little while before I looked over to still see Halston aiming the gun at me and Caesar with his arms folded looking annoyed.

"Marya, you are going to need to get use to this, especially working here. Опусти пистолет (put the gun down)" Mr.Nikiforov said and I felt tense my eyes shift to the movement behind him seeing Halston sigh putting his gun away. I looked at Mr.Nikiforov and nod my head trying my best not to look at the dead body. "You like deer in headlights right now." One of his head touch my back and the other held my arm and we walk towards the steps.

"Sorry." Was all I could say I'm literally at no advantage and could nearly think. We started to walk up the stairs and he lightly pushed me in front of him. I look back to see him stop in the middle of the stairs looking at his brothers.

"Уберите это. (Clean this up)" He turned back around and motioned me to continue walking up and I did. I came into the hallway and him following closing the door. I felt a bit awkward and didn't know what to do next. He cleared his throat and lifted his arm up a little for me to hook mine through and I did so as we started to walk.

"Katia needs extra plates." I said but it came out a little hesitant.

"Someone else can get it." He said and looked at me as we both stopped and he wiped under my eyes. "Better, you hungry?" He asked and I slightly nod my head and we began walking again. How can you sit and pretend like nothing happened, we arrived where everyone sat and ate talking amongst themselves. We made our way to the table where his sisters and parents were. There were a couple of empty seats who I'm assuming his brothers were supposed to be.

Our meals were set already and we sat down to eat, everyone started to talk amongst themselves being social as I spoke a little with Avery and Anastassia here and there but really wasnt focused on them to be honest and I felt a pinch bad for that and started to pick at my food a little. I felt a light nudge and look over giving Mr. Nikiforov.

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