Chapter Thirty Seven House Warming Gift

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I woke up to an empty bed and sat up. I yawn looking over at the clock the read nine, I rub my eyes still feeling on the big bed before actually looking around. Where Ruslan? I stood up and stretch making my way out the bedroom looking up and down the hallway. The manor smells good, katia probably cooking.  I make my way to Makar room to check up on him, I knock on his door before opening it to see my little one knock out. He had one side of himself cover in the blanket and the other not. He was hanging off the bed, I walk over tapping his face as he groan swatting my hand away.

"Bubbie get on the bed." I said and clear my throat because it was dry and that was not it. Makar whine a little as his eyes open up but closed again rolling over getting fully in the bed. I tucked him in kissing his forehead before leaving out his room. I quietly closed his door walking towards the stairs heading down the steps. I made my way to the kitchen and saw Ruslan leaning against the counter eating a pop tart he didn't have a shirt on but he did had on sweat pants. I look over at the oven to see three beef patties on the tray being heated up.

"Greedy." I said and his eyes went from the oven to me and he smile.

"Your up, thought you'll be sleep the whole night." He said and I yawn walking over.

"I'm trying to figure out why you heating up three beef patties while eating a poptart." I leaned on him and he took another bite of his poptart, offering me a piece putting it by my lips. I took a bite watching him munch.

"I got hungry during the process." He said and I laugh because that's literally on some fat shit. "I was going to give you the third one." He said laughing with me.

"Why didn't you just heat up four?" 

"Because I didn't want four, love." He said moving me over a bit to and open the fridge leaning on the door a little looking for something. I stare at his back admiring the tattoos but I peep a few scars the was covered up. I shifted moving closer a bit as I lightly touch the scar.

"What happened?" I curiously asked and he shrugged digging in the fridge.

"Fighting, getting stab and shit." I back up some giving him room to take the juice out. He leaned over grabbing two cups from the dish rack setting them down on the counter pouring both of us a glass.

"All that on your back?" I asked and while he took a sip shaking his hand.

"Look closer it's mostly every." He lend me his arm and I check squinting my eyes a little bit actually looking over his body. My hand gently rub down his arm and I frown.

"Be more careful." I mutter and I heard him chuckle.

"It's my job I'm fine." He said casually.

"Think before you Ruslan remember you have a child." I said and he hummed. 

"I'm good at protecting my family Marya." He and lean down a bit kissing my forehead.

"What you doing tomorrow?" I question tilting my head.

"Visiting an old friend of mine earlier in the morning to discuss business." He said moving to aside as I stood on my tip toes to get the oven mittens that was on top of the fridge. I felt him press against me reaching for it, I blushed a little feeling something else before he pulled back handing me the oven mitts.

"Maybe I can make breakfast, what time you leave?" I asked moving towards the oven opening it bending down taking the beef patties out and setting it on the stove. I look back because he didn't answer me and fell quiet. Ruslan head was tilting at me eyes little down, I held in a laugh before snapping at him and he made eye contact.

"Huh?" He stared at me like a he was lost.

"I said I can make breakfast, what time are you leaving?" I asked again and he said oh before giving me an actual response.

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