Chapter One Hundred And Twenty Two Violated

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"Hello, this is a prepaid call from Ruslan an inmate at Somerset County correctional facility.. To accept charges, press one. To refuse charges, press t-" I quickly pressed one.

"Ruslan?" I called his name sitting up on the bed a little; the phone called woke me up fully from being half asleep. I rubbing my sore eyes trying to focus my vision a little.

"Hey." He answered he sounded so tired, I try my best to hold in tears knowing how sensitive I am. "How you doing?" He asked and just sat on the bed swinging my legs looking out the window that was across from seeing the garden Laura and Caesar had out back.

"Not good." I answered truthfully. "I want you home." I said having a shaky breath followed with it I blink my eyes a couple times feeling them become blurry again. My eyes hurt I've been crying most of the day.

"I know I wanna come home too." He shared his thoughts and the phone fell silent because a few tears left my face. I've developed separation anxiety when it comes to him, I can't admit that; I don't like him away for to long especially if he's not coming back. "Marya?" He called for me and I did my best to sniff gently so he won't hear.

"I'm here; when do you think you can go home?" I asked him and and it fell silent. Silently crying trying not to make a sound I wipe my face with my hand attempting to stop the tears that kept flooding my face.

"I would say two weeks because you know why but .... to be realistic I don't think I'm coming home until I get a court trial." He answered and I cover my mouth as my body shook a bit muffling my sobs.

"No, that's long." I began to cry followed by a hic. "Ruslan,that's so long." I whined feeling my heartbeat picking up.

"I kno-

"That's like six months I can't do six months Ruslan." I felt myself starting to hyperventilate. "I can't do this by myself" I whimper wiping my face even though it started to hurt. Been wiping tears with my sleeves all day feels like I'm getting brush burn on my face.

"Baby-stop... I can't handle you crying." He said. His tone held concern but the way he spoke normal was becoming quiet.

We both became quiet not saying anything for like a minute or two. I wiped my face again taking in a deep breath trying to calm down.

"Marya I need a favor." He sighed and I nod my head as if he can see me.


"You know that friend of yours?" He asked emphasizing the word friend.

"Friend? Whi-

"Listen to me baby okay? You smart, I just need you to listen okay?" He said and I hic feeling a headache forming.

"Okay." I mutter.

"Have your friend .. help you set- up the nursery okay? I recommend the store by the uh..docks." He emphasized the words; friend, set up and docks.

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