Chapter Sixty Two Trigger Word

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"Darling you up late again." A soft voice came from the entrance of my home office. Looking up I seeing Franiszka in her silk light blue robe with her arms cross and her head tilted to the side as some of her hair falls in front of her face who wore a smile.

"I know, I'll come to bed soon." I told my wife who closed her eyes nodding her head as she enter the office. She looked at her watch that was on her wrist making her way over to me. I tried not to frown watching the lively women I once know slowly take her time walking over. I wanted to help her walk over here but I know she would smack me if I do so.

"You said that at ten it's a midnight my Ruslan." She walked around my desk cupping my face sitting on my lap. I closed my eyes letting her do so. "I stand correct too, you're stressed aren't you? What type of work is keeping you up this late?" She spoke and I opened my eyes looking back at her.

"Your medical records." I admit and it fell silent my wife worried expression change into a soft pity one. 

"I'm tired we should go to bed." Franiszka kept her hands on my face looking at me. I study my other half face seeing her tiredness and bags that made its home underneath her eyes. Been like that for almost a weak.

"Who helped you out of bed, most importantly who help you traveled to my office?" I asked her and she let out a sigh. 

"My dear Victoria, don't get upset at her we practically bickered back and forth on me staying in the room." Franiszka started to caress my cheek, closed my eyes taking in a deep breath. "You're persistent." I told her and she gave me a weak laugh. 

"I know." The woman planted a kiss and I returned one while moving my hand having one on her lower back and the other underneath her legs as I got up with her carrying her.

"Come on back to the bedroom." I said proceeding to walk around my desk heading towards the door carefully walking out with her. she so light now compare from before.

"Are you going to stay with me?" My partner asked and I looked at her while I walk down the hall. The night was silent not a soul was up around this time except for the footsteps I took.

"In a little while." I told her being honest and her smile slowly fade and she stop looking at me and just laid her head on my chest.

"Then turn around because I refuse to go to sleep knowing my husband is awake." Her soft voice sharpened, I ignore her request as I continue to walk to our bedroom. "Ruslan." She looked at me and I raised an eyebrow.

"Yes Franiszka?" 

"Did you not hear me? Or you choosing to be ignorant?" My wife questioned me as I stop at our bedroom door gently kicking it open making my way to our shared bed.

"I hear you Franiszka." I said calmly. "I'm staying here." I told her and her angry panic simmer down as I laid her down but she sat herself up a bit more laying her back against the pillows as I sat in the bed grabbing her pill bottle looking at it. Today she was supposed have this empty, I looked at my wife who looked at me.

"I don't like taking them, it's getting hard to." She tried to explain and I sighed running my fingers through my hair.

"It's part of your treatment Franiszka you can't just skip you medication like you having a cheat day." I scolded my wife and she furrowed her eyebrows.

"I'm not your son don't talk to me like tha-"

"It's true, this the second time you skipped your medication Franiszka. You're not going to get any better why can't you understand that." I raised my voice at her and it fell silent. Her and I stared hard at one another her hand grip the cover out of anger but when she spoke it was low.

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