Chapter Thirty One First Step

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I woke up in my bed looking around a bit before I heard a light snore. Behind me to see Makar knock out and drooling. I smiled a little before getting up rubbing my eyes and walking out the room. The manor is quiet you can hear a pen drop, I walk down the hall going to Ruslan office I knock on the door slowly opening it to see him on his phone leaning back in the chair facing the window. He was talking in his first language as I walk in slowly closing the door. Ruslan ran his fingers through his hair that was not I'm a ponytail anymore. He look back seeing as he turn his chair all the way around facing me. I smile waving and he nod his head beckoning me to come over.

And I did.

I walk over as he continue to talk on the phone he back away from his desk a little giving me room to come sit on his lap. I sat on his lap as her wrap one hand around me. I look at the papers scatter on his desk and and look at a few tabs that was open on his computer screen. I look through the papers seeing what was on it. It was a couple of people mugshots and information on the side of it. There where a couple of shops to with I frown a the small business that owe a couple of bucks and by a couple a lot.

"Ruslan." I spoke and he said something on the phone before giving me his attention.


"Moms and pop shops though?" I asked and his expression soften a bit.

"Asked for protection you need to pay for it. Nothing but business." He said and I shook my head.

"It's a small dinner though." I could hear myself whine a little and to be honest I didn't really me to. Ruslan smile a little as he continue to talk to whoever he was on the phone with before speaking to me again.

"It's not that serious don't worry about it." He said and I gave him a side eye looking back at the paper.

"When you collecting payments." I asked and I felt him lightly rubbing my thigh.

"Today and tomorrow." He said and I hummed mesmerizing this shop street address.

"I'm going to go out with Avery for a while, girl talk." I said and head as I got up and was about to leave but he pulled my arms.

"Kiss." He simply said and I smile.

"You've been kissing me all day today." I said putting my hands on my hip and he shrugged his shoulders.

"So, come here." He tug on me and I sat back down on his lap.


"As much as I like for you to be apart of what I do, I need you not to worry about one little ol shop." He spoke to me softly but it sound more like a demand then a request. I kissed his cheek.

"I'm not worried just wanted to know the reason." I said and he nod his head.

"Told you they wanted protection and we have a couple of products in the back of that shop." He said and I gave him another side eye causing him to smirk and cup my face face with his hand. "Quit pouting and fix your face." He peck my lips and I perk my lips giving him another peck before swatting his hand away.

"Don't use my saying against me." I smile laughing as I move getting up and he let go. "I'll see you later." I said walking to the door I felt his eyes on me and I look back seeing him staring at me while he's back to talking on the phone his eyes was squinted a little bit and I blush seeing the smirk rest on his face. I left his office and started to whisper the address in my head walking back to my room.

Once I got there I grab my phone from my table and called Lyanna. The phone rang for a second before she pick up.

"Wassup bitch." She said in her usual happy go lucky tone and I giggle a little.

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