Chapter Forty Four One Problem At A Time

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"He what!?" I yelled but looked around before whispering in a harsh tone. "What the fuck you mean he on heroin." I was on the phone with my sister Lyanna while I was just finishing up cooking Ruslan an I breakfast, this morning he wasn't in a good mood he was up before me in bed on his laptop looking stress. I did asked him what's wrong but he just gave me the silent treatment so I took it as leaving him alone for a bit.

"Bitch did I stutter? mind you this nigga show up three in the morning after I gave him the proper care and affecti-."

"Your sister hit me with a fucking bat." Halston interrupt her and I snort laughing.

"Mind your fucking business." She said and they bicker a bit before I heard a door slam in the other end of the line. "Anyway." She quiet her voice down. "I'm trying to persuade him into rehab and he's not having none of it like I really need help." She whisper as I finished up making our plates and setting them in the dinning room.

"I can informed Ruslan about it." I said going back to the kitchen to clean the dishes.

"No I actually think Halston will kill me if I tell anyone, is there anyway we can like you know. Do this secretly like without his family knowing because if I can persuade him more I'm pretty sure he'll be down. Might have to knock his ass out." She said and I sigh stop doing the dishes putting the phone on the other side of my ear.

"You want me to not tell the family scratched that A Mob family that one of their sons are not on drugs and don't need help." I said before rubbing my forehead. "That's lying."

"Oh my fucking god Marya I don't need your morals bullshit right now and I'm not asking you to lie bitch I'm asking you to help me ...just secretly, I feel as though Halston don't want everyone in his business." She said and I raised an eyebrow saying huh.

"But your in his business." I said and we fell silent.

"Guess what." She said and I hummed before hearing a click. She hung up, I took the phone from my ear and try calling back but it went straight to voicemail. I rolled my eyes putting my phone in my pocket walking out the kitchen and going pass the dining room to the hallway where the entrance of the house were before going upstairs. When I made it up the steps I went to the bedroom knocking on it before opening it. Ruslan was getting dressed and his back was facing me revealing his tattoos at I watched fastening his belt. Leaning over grabbing button up shirt, I walked over and hugged him from behind and I felt him tense up but he looked back at me.

"What's wrong you've been silent all day?" I question and let go as he turned around to face me buttoning up his shirt. 

"Nothing that you need to be worrying about " He said and I felt weight lifted off my shoulders. I really got to stop overthinking too much. 

"You hungry?" I asked and he gave me a soft smile.

"Always." He commented and I fixed his tie a little smiling.

"I made toast, omelets, grits, and bacon." I looked him up and down. "All black suit?" 

"Funeral." He said commonly and walked pass me heading out the room and I followed.

"Who's?" I raised an eyebrow and he looked back at me.

"Are you the feds?" He asked and I hit his shoulder making him laugh. "Jonathans." He gave me a name and I raised an eyebrow.

"You're going to a funeral ….that you made?” I point at him before shaking my head. “That’s way pass disrespect.” I folded my arms and Ruslan stopped in the middle of the hallway as he looked back again. 

“Never had respect to begin with and what did I tell you about walking behind me, come here.” He said and I rolled my eyes moving to his side, I peeped that he had his arm out a little for me to link mine around it. 

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