Chapter One Hundred And Fourteen Rats

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"Keep sleeping with married women you going to come across the wrong one." I stated laughing. The girls and I were having fun enjoying Vasili story times of him just hoeing around in Russia. Emery tipsy everytime she speak her words beginning to slur and Nadia lowkey drunk but masking it pretty well. I could tell because she laughs at damn near everything when liquor is in her system

"I fear nothing after being caught in bed."Vasili share taking a sip of his spicy rum.

"Wait, you got caught doing the do." Emery asked placing her head on my shoulder as I was organizing the tray of cheese picking out which ones I like.

"It was like a porno." Vasili announced as he way his hand in awe causing me to laugh.

"Idiot." I mutter which put a smile on his face as he wink at me, I rolled my eyes.

"I was doing my job, making an unhappy wife happy." He spoke but Emery interrupted.

"Position?" She pointed at him and I nudge her.

"Ew no we don't need to kno-

"Doggy." He smirk puffing his chest out as if he was proud. "She had a mirror and wanted her to remember to have a core memory of the moment." He justified his answer and Emery smile nodding her head eagerly.

"Mirror sex the best." She share her thoughts and I shook my head hearing Nadia laugh.

"Don't ....don't encourage him." She said while downing her drink, she had vodka but it came in like this black bottle think it was called Pincer.

"Shhh." Vasili said towards Nadia. "Anyways her husband came home early calling for her. She got scared and wanted to stop." He sucked his teeth. "Told her no let's take the risk." He said and I rolled my eyes again drinking my juice.

"Taking stupid ass risks gonna get you killed." I said and he put his hand over his heart.

"Oh Marya you care?" He asked and I scoff looking away.

"Please finished I wanna know if you got your ass beat or not." I said bluntly which sent Nadia to the moon the way her laugh echo as for Emery who just continue to rest her head on my shoulder snickering away.

"Almost, we got caught and her husband chased me around with a knife. Thank god for the balcony." He said and I shook my head.

"You lucky it wasn't a gun." I said laughing a little.

"It wouldn't be the first time I got shot." He stated and I frown.

"When was the first?" I asked and he shrug.

"An altercation with an old friend." He wave off refilling his cup and I sit up a little interested.

"Are you friends till this day?" I asked becoming a bit comfortable, I already was but getting to know people makes me a little unease moments like theses make me relax though. I didn't expect Vasili to tell stories if anything I thought he would be quiet while we have girl talk but he actually engaged with us.

"No, told you before I'm a politician. I work with Russia's government particularly the police, fundings etc." He spoke and I nod my head, Nadia mumbles that she had to pee stumbling a little as she got up. I nudge Emery who lowkey taking a nap on my shoulder.

"Go make sure she won't hit her head." I said and she hummed nodding her head getting up from her seat following Nadia.

"Pretty sure you know the family business. I was doing favors for him that involved me diverting cases and covering up dirty work." He leaned back letting out a sigh. "He did something stupid due to emotions causing him to be questioned by the police and by question I mean interrogated. He wasn't aware how his actions was giving other people consequences but him, my sister was getting married at the time the situation could've easily had Oleg locked up so I did what any good brother would do." He shrugged his shoulders. "I rat." He let out a sigh and I frowned.

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