Chapter One Hundred And Four Perspective

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"So it's a boy?" Makar asked the doctor as the four of us look at the monitor

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"So it's a boy?" Makar asked the doctor as the four of us look at the monitor. Ruslan didn't want to sit down same with Makar. Ruslan was on my right leaning forward trying to see as Makar was in the doctor bubble space thinking he can tell.

"If you can back up maybe he can tell." I said watching Makar trying to do the doctor job.

"Maybe they need to put color on here why the tv black and white." He said with sass and I lean a little flicking his ear.

"Watch your reckless ass mouth." I warned him as he whined scooting next to me laying his head on my shoulder.

"Sorry." Makar mutter as the doctor moved his equipment pressing down in my stomach a bit more focus on the screen, I shift my eyes to Ruslan who rest his hand on the top of the adjustable bed eyes not leaving the screen, I stared at the calm smile on his face seeing his body fully relax.

"Ah It's a girl." The doctor announces, I watch Ruslan smile grew. I looked at the monitor while Makar pout.

"Why you upset bubba." I said ruffling his hair.

"That's responsibility." He said and make us all laugh, Makar fold his arms not laughing walking away from me sitting in one of the chairs.

"And if you had a brother you still have responsibilities." I said looking at him, my son tilt his head as if he's in though.

"No because when he's my age he be fine, look at me I'm doing fine." He said and unfold his arms spreading them being dramatic.

"You curse at your teacher." I told him.

"But I'm not in jail." He said and I squinted my eyes before rolling them making him giggled.

The appointment went smoothly apparently I haven't been causing the baby stress which is a fucking surprised for me because I was a walking anxiety mess . . . Still am I feel. After our appointment we got back on the road, Makar hyper little butt decided to calm down taking a nap in the back seat. Shit I need one. I stared out the window listening to music, pulling my attention away to gaze at the ultrasound photos.

"You had a big smile on your face. Were you really hoping for a girl?" I asked in a teasing manner, placing my attention on him. I poke Ruslan's shoulder.

"I got what I wanted, told you I wanted a daughter." He said all proud of himself, I stare smiling at him. This sucks, this situation fucking sucks either that or my dumb ass is becoming bipolar. If I had to be real with myself I only agree to break up since he suggested it, I learned my lesson on chasing men from past experiences. I'm not gonna plead and beg someone to stay with me.

"What?" He asked, dragging me out my thoughts.

"Nothing." I shift my eyes looking back out the window.

"You've been staring at me all day today yet it's nothing." He said pointing that fact out.

"I can't look at you?" I raised an eyebrow shifting my eyes back to him feeling the car slow down as we started to hit traffic. He looked at me.

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