Chapter Eighty Three Fresh Set

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Little bitch

Running down the hall after being shot at a couple of times I cut a corner ducking. Digging in my pants trying to find my other clip tossing the empty one across the floor.

"Halston where you at you Russian fuck." I heard the old Italian man called for me, I was supposed to meet up with him exchange of money but it figure anyone tied to Morettii lack maturity.

Catching my breath from running I peek from the conver seeing the pot belly bitch with his gun raise looking around and two of his men behind him trying to help look for me. I pulled back leaning my back against the wall closing my eyes.

I don't get paid enough

Slowly putting the new clip in my gun gripping it tight I open my eyes to and from my peripheral vision I saw one of them take a step near me and I instantly shot them in the head getting back up running out one of the doors down the steps. Of all fucking places to have a shoot out it had to be a fucking brothel.

Pushing one of the females out the way from the back entrance I heard yelling going on behind me I scan the area seeing a dumpster and knew I had to swallow my pride.

It fucking stinks in here.

I've been sitting in here for a good ten minutes, I check from time to time and the motherfuckers act like I could be out in the open for long. I took my phone out texting Daniil to see if he was still in the car waiting which didn't take him long to respond saying yeah. I try to wait one more minute before getting out the fucking dumpster but I couldn't take the smell anymore.

Walk around from the corner gun in hand I looking for my car, once I spotted it I walk over seeing Daniil flirting with few women by my shit. Casually pushing one of them from the passenger side so I can get in one them sucked their teeth as the other one said I stink.

No shit

"You smell like ass." He bluntly said and I smack the back of his head.

"Wanna go back to rehab?" I asked him and he grumble pulling off.

"That's an empty threat because you'll never bring me back." He pointed out a fact.

"Your like a little brother who listens why would I bring you back." I asked rolling my eyes checking my phone, I heard the window being rolled down and him turning the air on. I looked at Daniil and glared at him which he gave me a sheepish smile.

"You really fucking stink." He laugh and I looked away out the window, I'm not entertaining his shit.

"I will shoot you." I told him and he laugh again.

"So you want to drive home?" He asked me and I punched his arm making him scream for no reason.

"YOU STINK DON'T TOUCH ME." Daniil jerk his arm away and I smiled getting a laugh out of it.

"Did Lyanna eat?" I asked him, before my little inconvenience I had told Daniil to drop some food off at the house for her.

"She yelled at me because her sub wasn't toasted .." Daniil confess and I laugh at him because he showed a look of concern. "She scary his she always like that." He asked me and I nod my head.

"One of the reason why I like her." I told him and his expression showed disappointment.

"You like them mean." He Daniil shook his head making me laugh again. The ride was long and irritating due to the fact Daniil act like I wasn't fully aware I smell like ass.

Pulling up to the house I quickly got up digging into my pockets looking for my keys to unlock the door but I saw that it was crack. Furrow my eyebrows I walked in taking my shoes off since I was talked into getting carpet because and I quote it would be safe for the baby. Lyanna in this stage of baby proofing shit and the fucking kid ain't even here.

She's five months now, I didn't know two months can pass like that, she moved in with me when Ruslan and his family went back to America.

"Why the fucking door wide open." I raise my voice throughout the house looking for the rude woman. I walked in the living room seeing Lyanna with a knife opening a big box. Hearing my front door close I look back seeing Daniil locking it making his way in the living room sitting on the couch changing the channel.

"Because I got a package." She looked up at me, she was wearing one of my shirts with sweatpants with her favorite black bonnet on her head. "The fucks that smell." She scrunched up her nose and Daniil point at me.

"So that means leave the door open?" I asked her and she shook her head no covering her nose.

"You're not pressing me smelling like shit go take a shower." She complain and I squint my eyes at her.

"I fully aware I smell like shit-

"Bounce that ass." Daniil commented and Lyanna laughed.

"Smell like burnt coochie." She laugh trying to get the words out. I smack Daniil upside the head again making him jump sitting up on the couch.

"This shitty smell earned 100k for the household but we not gonna talk about that." I spoke walking away going upstairs so I can take a shower. I heard footsteps behind me a look back seeing Lyanna.

"What?" I stop halfway.

"Ruslan called when you was at work saying that you need to come to the Skype meeti-

"Time?" I asked her as I continue to walk hearing her follow me.

"Like three." She said and I nod my head heading to the bathroom. "You look irritated did something happened while you were at work?" She asked me while I was taking my shirt off I looked at Lyanna studying her face seeing she looked worried, I looked at her stomach then back at giving her eye contact.

"I had to look through a dumpster to get a piece of information." I lie to her and saw a smile hit her face before she started laughing.

"You don't get pay enough." She giggle and I let out a dry laugh throwing the shirt on the floor and lean over turning the shower on before bring my attention back to Lyanna who was pick up my shirt and laying it over her arm.

"Real shit I'm asking for a raise, you ate?" I asked her, just because Daniil drop food off doesn't mean she'll eat.

"I did this time but the sub taste weird because it wasn't toasted." She complained and I smile a little getting undress and handing her my pants since it look like she was gonna throw them in the laundry room.

"I'm sorry I told him it would take long and I needed him to be on time for when I was done." I told her and she said oh.

"Did you still eat is my question Ly." I told her while I hop in the shower.

"Yes I ate the sub fully dang." She mutters and I heard her walked away, she having a problem with eating since the whole incident with her mother and I'm doing my best to make sure she take care of herself and our baby. I do try to be comforting but that's completely new to me so beside me asking her if she's okay and shit I try to be home too.

"I'm checking because you'll fuck around and won't eat for a day, do I need to remind you you're eating for two." I began to nag her as I grab the cloth from the rack and soap.

"You don't need to remind me shit because I feel the weight of your big head ass baby." She snap back and I chuckled.

"My head not fucking big, your forehead big." I yelled and I heard her fainted footsteps become louder.

"Say it again watch what happen." I heard her and I stop washing myself for a min and peek my head from the shower curtain to see her finger on the toilet handle. I squint my eyes at her and smirk.

"You wouldn't" I whispered.

"Say it again watch what happens." She warned me and I decided to push that warning.

"Big ass fucking forehead." I said with venom and she flush the toilet saying funky ass as I jump back from the water feeling the shit gets hot while I heard her closed the door leaving. After the temperature went back to how I had it I continue to get the smell off body while deep in thought trying to figure out how I was gonna tell Ruslan that I got off the wrong foot with the Valentino family.

It's not like I try to make enemies.

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