Chapter One Hundred Twenty Three Bad People?

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3 days 1:37pm

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3 days 1:37pm

I sat in the interrogation room. Nothing really fucking different other than me being in a damn orange jumpsuit and was brought to Somerset. A few things I found out from my time being here.

First. Police officers will still be bought and knowing this, when I get the fuck out I'm buying the station. Crooked cops never turn down what they can't make in a fucking year.

Second. I saw Halston in here when I arrived; assuming my brother did something extra since he was here before me but yet I was the one who got arrested first.

Third. I've been contemplating how I should kill Vasili. See if I can get my hands on a cardioversion machine Halston would have a field day with that thing.

I smiled to myself but was brought out of my thought seeing the door open a women same complexion as Marya she wore a suit and a blonde hair that was a bob. Clicking her heels she walk to the seat that was in front of me sitting down with her brief case.

"I asked for my lawyer; you're not him." I said starting off the conversation shifting my eyes to the empty paper cup I had water in. Fucking hungry.

"I am your lawyer." She said opening the brief case she took out a few folders and paper. "Mr Nikiforov I am Angela Song was hired on the behalf of your brother Caesar Nikiforov." She stated with a smile and I blink at her not finding shit to smile about.

"Am I supposed to trust that?" I asked her.

"I would hope so, my father is friends with." She trailed off as if she was in deep thought before tilting her and snapping her finger. "Martel; your in-law, yes?" Angela said and I felt a weight of my shoulders lifted a bit.

"Is there anyone?" I pointed towards the mirror and she shook her head no.

"Your family pay good money. I know what situation I am in and I know the risk when it comes to framing." Angela push one of the folders near me as I opened it taking a look. "On June 25,2022 , Zoya Putin was murdered in her own home downstairs West 25th and Verman Street. the murder was believed to have been committed by Vasili. eye witness Kimberly have seen the aftermath taking stroll around the neighborhood." Angela said word from word at the document while my eyes had followed the words.

"Who's Kimberly?" I wasn't really aware of a damn witness after I committed that.

"Oh." The woman smiled taking another piece of paper and pushing it towards me. I seen a copied of Anastassia ID and Social but it didn't have the right name at all. I couldn't help but let out a laugh. "She wanted me to tell you; you owe her and never to say she has to much time on her hands. Also to up her pay." She quoted my sister and I laughed again.

"I will consider her pay when I am officially out." I waved off the message.

"You don't think I can get you out?" She questioned and Angela held a stared with me.

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