Chapter Twenty Just adjust

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I heard a knock on my bedroom door, I groaned pulling the covers up over my head trying to ignore it. I tend to wonder why people proceed to knock on the door when no one answers. A few seconds went by before I heard another knock again. I sigh frustrated and got up to see what time it is and it’s currently 7am. I slowly sat up rubbing my eyes and staring out in space for a full minute before getting up off the bed going over towards the door and opening it to see Katia and some of the maids. I was about to say something but Katia entered and they followed. I rub my eyes seeing them tidy up around my room before stepping next to Katia while she opens the curtains. 

“What’s going on?” I asked and she looked at me and smiled. 

“Good morning love, Right now we are tidying this room up due to the fact you will be moving up stairs where some of the guest rooms are. Mr. Nikiforov suggested that it be good for you.” She said and instantly my mood switched to a bitter one remembering the event from last night. I let out a sigh annoyed about what was said. 

“I wasn’t told this if i were I would have set up for that last night.” I said opening my closet picking out my usual outfit for the day. I want to know why I am moving to a different room, I would ask him but I am still upset from last night. Just so rude of him also I’m very surprised he knows certain parts of my life because I haven’t really spoken on it to be fully honest. I told Katia that they can bring some of the clothes and some books I had to my new room while I bring the rest of my junk up after I’m done getting dressed. With that agreement her and the rest of the maids did so while I went to go get wash and dress to prepare for the day. After an hour or two stepping out the shower throwing on my clothes and putting my hair in a high poof. I stepped out of the bathroom looking around my room and started to grab things that were important to me. Most of this stuff wasn’t even mine except for the clothes and hygiene stuff plus  a couple of books I read and two notebooks. I gather a few of my things before leaving the room going up the stairs and I pause for a second to see Mr. Nikiforov having a conversation with one of the guards, his demeanor seems to be decent as if he were in a good mood. His hands are in his pocket and nod his head a couple of times. I didn’t stare for too long as my eyes shifted towards Katia seeing her come downstairs and I walked over to her meeting her like half way on the steps.

“Can you sho-” she held her hand up and motioned me to come and follow her. I smile a little at that, funny how she likes the head of the house a little. Well not like the owner but you know what I mean things just really wouldn’t get done if she’s not around.

“How did you like the event Marya?” She asked, sparking up a conversation and I thought about it over all. 

“Not well.” I said and was a bit hesitant as I think more on how I can word it. “It was okay for like the first twenty to thirty mins? But the rest of the night was kind of tough plus I’m pretty sure I’m not on good terms with Mr.Nikiforov at the moment.” I said truthly as we came to the steps and turned going down the hallway. 

“Sounds like a bad experience. I wouldn’t have guessed that since the two of you were arm to arm with each other.” She looked back at me. “He’s usually not that corapitive with you thought the two of you put aside your differences.” She said and I can easily say that I don’t think Mr.Nikiforov and I will ever have a common ground between us other than taking care of Makar. 

“We had a disagreement on how we value things and it got carried away, trying to be a decent employee, well respectful and stuff but he’s making it hard.” I said until a question just popped in my head. Do all the workers know? “Katia.” 

“Yes dear?” She hummed as we stopped at a door and she opened it. The room was a bit bigger than the old one but the colors were similar, so I looked around spotting desk and sat my things there for a moment before actually putting things away and setting it up.

“Does every employee here know they’re working for the mob?” I asked and she paused for a moment but relaxed a bit. 

“Yes, everyone in this household grew up in this way, how you say? Lifestyle. The only ones that never knew were the Nannies since they use to come and go like flies.” She said as I walked over to the bed sitting down and she pulled up one of the chairs sitting down. “If you have any questions I’ll be happy to answer, I wonder why didn’t you come to be in the first place to ask about this.” She said and I opened my mouth to speak but closed it for a quick second because she’s right but on my behalf it just never crossed my mind.  

“It never became a thought.” I told her and she nodded her head as I was getting ready to ask a question. 

“How did you adjust to knowing the people around you do crime?” I asked and she lean back a little more into the chair thinking. 

“Can’t really say there’s not really much you could do especially if you were born into it. Yes I know right from wrong and I do disapprove with some of the things that goes down but there’s not much you can do.” She sits up and crosses her legs looking at me. “If you think about it this way we can’t choose our parents or the life that we are born in. you have the ability to change it but for some people being raised a certain way and taking things differently is mostly what they know. I’m assuming you and Ruslan had some exchanged words about this topic so the best thing I can tell you dear is your lifestyle will be a bit dangerous now try your best to worry about you and your job. Don’t snoop around and peek your head into unwanted attention.” She said and I nod understanding a little but there were still a couple of things that weren’t really sitting right with me also I am kind of curious about Mr.Nikiforov wife. I ran my hand through my hair and heard the chair move before feeling a hand on my back. 

“Try your best not to overthink about it.”

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