Chapter Eighteenth Eventful night

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I hate it already and we ain't even engaged in conversation. I'm currently looking down over the banister seeing a lot of people hugging and talking. Mr.Nikiforov is talking to Caesar at the moment since he had something important to tell him. I don't know about it because I'm not listening to whatever they discussing. Not my business don't plan on it being my business as well. I have more things to worry about like how am I going to talk. I don't think i have anxiety but when ever I attempt to talk to new people my voice gets soft and quiet feel like there's a frog in my throat. Now that I think about it I probably do have anxiety.

"Marya." I was called out of my thoughts and look at Mr.Nikiforov. 



"No." I said, him and Caesar looked at me puzzled and look back down. "This can't just be your family it's to many people." I grumble shooting a glare at some random people who took a drink from one of the butlers.

"Who are you staring at?" He walks over towards me looking down over the banister too. I pointed at the drunk old man who was a bit loud.

"That's uncle Oleg a sixty year old drunk and that's is one of the people we are greeting and going to talk to." He said and I looked at him raising an eyebrow. 

"How two sober people going to talk to one drunk man?" I asked and he waved me off.

"He's drunk not stupid. Come" he said and I hooked my arm with him making our way downstairs while Caesar was in front of us. Conversations grew louder as we walked down the steps. I look around seeing everyone dressed nice, cool I feel so under dress. I look up at Mr.Nikiforov seeing his expression flat and I nudged him a little as he looked down at me.


"Fix your face theses are your guest."  I said and he look back up, I tried to see what he was looking at but I couldn't because there are to many people.

"I saw someone that I wanted to smack the shit out of but it'll have to wait." He said and I laugh causing him to smirk.

"Stop and enjoy yourself, if you going to make rude comments like this then I might actually enjoy myself." I said as we started to walked over towards his uncle. 

"Thought you don't like me being rude." He nudge me and I hit his arm.

"Towards me but towards others I don't mind it as long as it not Victoria and Katia." I said and he scoffed. 

"I would not live if I talk to Katia with any disrespect, and Victoria is one of her favorites anyway" He said shrugging his shoulders and I was about to say something but his uncle Oleg saw us and smile walking over with his arms open. I held in a giggle watching the old little fat man waddle over towards us.

"племянник,как ты?" I just continue to have a small smile on my face watching the two interact with each other as I look around.
[Translation: Nephew, how are you]

Looking across the room I spotted chocolate on the cute snack table I helped Victoria set up. I felt my mouth water some.

"This is Marya." I felt Mr.Nikiforov hand touch my shoulder and I looked over at them since I heard my name. 

"Oh yes, Hello." I smile, I extend my hand out so he can shake it.

"девушка?" Oleg seem to ask a question as I stood there confused.
[Translation: Girlfriend?]

" Няня, представляю ее как семью. Марья очень помогает." Mr.Nikiforov I guess answer back. His uncle smile grew and nod his head before I get pulled into a hug by him.
[Translation: Nanny, introducing her as family. Marya helps out a lot.]

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