Chapter Ninety Six Profits Decision

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Walking in the house late with my suitcase in hand, I rolled it by the end table near the door making my way towards the living room seeing Halston channel surfing and Lyanna knockout on the couch snoring

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Walking in the house late with my suitcase in hand, I rolled it by the end table near the door making my way towards the living room seeing Halston channel surfing and Lyanna knockout on the couch snoring.

"Where's Ruslan?" I question Halston who brought his attention from the tv towards me.

"In his office having a meeting." He said and I nod my head taking a seat on the couch and looked at him seeing his legs prop up one the little stool that went with the set of the couch.

"Let me use that to prop my feet, they swollen." I sad and he kick it my way while I easily prop my foot up.

"How was your girls trip?" He asked and I shrug.

"It was nice Nadia had a schedule for us so I really did enjoy my two week vacation, the amount of complements the pregnant woman gets you'll be surprised." I said smiling a little.

"Next time take Lyanna with ya." He said and I laugh.

"Sorry it wasn't my trip and Nadia don't like plus ones last minute so maybe next time. I haven't spoken with you all like that, how's it going taking care of a pregnant woman, I mean I asked about you but Lyanna always told me you alright. I know she can be a handful though." I said starting conversation.

"Nothing I can't handle but her cravings are shit, constantly asked me to go get snacks at midnight like stores gonna be fucking open. We even went grocery shopping for snacks but every time she's hungry she wants none of this next that's home. Having me go out again wasting fucking money." He complained but you can see his smile though.

"Welcome to being a parent and boyfriend." I said which he made a dry laugh.

"I should get paid for this shit." He said getting up from the couch. "You hungry?" He asked and I thought for a minute.

"No boujee shit but I do want salad." I said and he nod his head walking off. I tried watching tv while waiting for Halston but I really need to have a conversation with Ruslan.

To be honest, fuck that meeting.

I got up from the couch leaving the living room to go upstairs. No lie stairs are starting to become my enemy. I walk down the hall making my way to Ruslan office remembering that I had to make a turn. I was about to knock on the door but stop myself shaking my head, I walked in hearing him speak in his first language but stop drawing his eyes towards mine.

"We need to talk." I said and he raised an eyebrow.

"I'm currently doi-

"It's important." I said staring at home with no expression.


"How was your trip?" He asked me, I stared at him for a minute admiring his appearance a little, Ruslan hair was straighten. Beard shaped nicely neat, bronze satin button up shirt that went along with the black suit that had embroidery of some symbol. I watched as he type whatever on his iPad and while drinking out the glass cup that had Mendis Coconut Brandy In it leaning back in the dining chair.

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