Chapter Forty Five Decisions

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It's to fucking hot to be out here walking to a damn Starbucks. I had in a basic black tee and pants with white sneakers on and some shades since the sun want to do the most right now. I was pulled out my thoughts when a certain person close the door behind them making me walk into the door.

"Pay attention dickhead." Lyanna smart ass mouth bark as she open the door and I walk in following her in line. I sighed loudly getting a few people attention, Lyanna gave me a death glare but I could careless about it. "For what?" She asked and I raise an eyebrow. 

"What?" I asked lost and she rolled her eyes.

"Your being extra for what?" She said and I stare at her before mushing her face and she smack mine. Some people stare at us having our little hit session.

"Fuck is yall looking at." I yelled causing some of them to jump turning the other way. A lady who was in front of us look back at us sucking her teeth before mumbling under her breath looking forward again. Lyanna suck her teeth.

"Oh cause I thought a bitch with a fucked up bob had something to say." She describe the lady upfront and I laughed, the women stomp her way out of line giving up her spot and Lyanna step forward to order. I look around for a bit and scratch my arm a little bit before leaning over to Lyanna.

"Are we staying here or leaving I got shit to do." I whisper and she sucked her teeth.

"I told you I'm stopping by a few places today." She whispered back and I bit my lip looking back up seeing her coffee or whatever she ordered is being made. 

"I don't understand why the fuck I need to come along." I complain and she moved finding a seat to sit in and I sat across from her.

"Damn Halston maybe I just want you around today." I watched this women lie to my face as I glared at her irritated.

"Bullshit since when you enjoy my company." I scoff leaning back in the chair and she flicked me off.

"Fuck you." She spat and I sat up smiling. "Don't say it." Lyanna reached over and covered my mouth with her hand and I moved it.

"When." I asked and she pluck my hand.

"Get on my nerves." She said looking away struggling hiding a smile and I shrug my shoulders seeing her get up because her name was called. She went to go grab her coffee before coming back. "Anyway what do you have to do today that you're in a hurry to scatter." She said take a sip from her cup.

"Oh you in my business? Don't do that." I said and she kicked my shin making me pulled my legs back some and sat up in my seat. We stare at each other before she closed her eyes taking a few sips from her cup. 

"Alright come on." She said getting up leaving and I followed her right out the door.

"Where we going?" I asked and she shrugged.

"Walking for now, anyway where do you got to go." She asked again and I sigh dramatically because she being pushy for no reason.

"Downtown." I said and she stop walking looking at me. I stop looking back at her.

"We downtown." She gave me a dumbfounded look and I gave one back.

"You don't think I know that." I said and we both started to walk again.

"Where at." She pop another question and gave her a side eye and she look me up and down giving me one back.

"Donnie's joint." I stare at her and she scoff rolling her eyes.

"Don't be doing stupid shit." She scolds and mock her but mumble it under my breath." And that's not a fucking location." She sip her coffee and smack her lips to be a dickhead.

"You ain't my fucking parent or bitch to be worrying about it." I said being a smart ass and she stop in her tracks so did I. Lyanna face me and I tilt my head putting my hands in my pocket. She walk closer to me and I look down at her and gave her a smirk. "Don't you fucking dare." I told her seeing the grip on the cup. Then I was hit in the chest by her, it didn't hurt but it did push me back.

"Fuck you." She said and I was about to laugh but she pushed me again repeating yelling it this time. I went to yell at her to calm down but soon as I do the bitch threw her coffee at me. I jump back feeling that's shit burn me a little and I went to hit and wipe my fucking arm and shit.


"Pussy ass nigga you lucky ion have my stick to do your shit pussy." She yelled.

"Bitc- Ay shut the-fuck up cant take a fucking j-" Lyanna cut me off again throwing the cup at me and pointing at me walking back where we were coming from.

"Ion got to give a damn if you finna live or not fuck going through that, your not even my nigga." She yelled and I heard her ass stomp away. I glare at her before my eyes shift setting on random ass people who was walking the streets and shit. 

She cause a scene and have me looking stupid. I walk ahead the opposite director continue walking down. Where I'm going isn't that far anyway, after a two blocks down I cut in this little ally going to the back of the rented house. I open the gate walking in seeing the naked ass cat stretched out on the back porch. I over walking the steps opening the back door coming in the kitchen smelling food.

"Donna." I yelled walking over to stove lifting the pop up trying to smell what's cooking.

"You home earlier." I heard her voice from a far hearing her lazy foot steps before she came in view. I look over her, dark brown hair was in her pink rollers which brings out her brown complexion. She had her makeup done but was in a comfortable outfit. Which was a white crop tee and a thong. She took a puff of her cigarette before her short ass walk over and gave me a hug.

"Wanted to spend time with you. What you've been up to." I ask wrapping my arms around her before leaning down giving her a kiss.

"Nothing I have what you want set up needles clean and all." She whisper with a giggle follow by before backing up giving me some type of look. "Why you have coffee all on you." She asked and I shrug taking my shirt off walking into the living room.

"Some old head dump her coffee on me." I lie you know because I'm a liar. I plop my shirt on the couch, I heard the back door from the kitchen close. I kicked off my shoes leaving them where the small shoe rack were.

"Stop being disrespectful to old heads." Donna hug me from behind "also I have some new shit I wanna try. You down?" She asked and I felt her trace over my tattoos while I was looking at the mirror, Rub my forehead where Lyanna had throw the damn cup at me which she really didn't have to do. Bitch got mad because I spoke the truth and she couldn't take it. She nags to much especially over the littlest shit, I was pulled out my thought feeling Donna gently touch my face making me bring my attention toward her.

"I'm listening, I'm down." I said and I smile spread across her face indicating we're going to have fun.

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