Chapter Seven I'm the Goddamn Nanny

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It’s so quiet here alone, well not fully alone you can hear the rest of the have little conversations and walking around doing their job. I was in the kitchen making myself coffee leaning back against the counter thinking, until someone came in view recognized the face I gave a smile at Victoria and she tilted her head giving me one back. 

“How’s it going.” She asked as I slide over some while she was getting coffee and I still stare out of space taking a sip from my cup. 

“Okay I guess.” I mutter and stood next to me a hummed. 

“What’s wrong? The boss pissing you off?” She asked and I shook my head no because to be honest I’m starting not to care, just about to start saying what I actually want. There is no winning with him, I can speak polite and he can still act like an asshole so, either I quit or just start acting nasty back. That second option sounds a bit nice, plus the money is good and I actually like my job. Hint JOB, work environment is eh because Mr. Nikiforov. 

“He’s .. petty.” I thought placing my cup down and folding my arms finally making eye contact with Victoria who just smile back at me giggling. 

“Well he’s either messing with you to pass the time or interested.” She shrugs her shoulders and I raised an eyebrow. 

“He needs to be interested in taking a break from work.” I mutter and heard Victoria laugh a little causing me to smile a little. “Also the way he talks to people gotta stop.” clear my throat “Are you telling me what to do? Nah I’m telling the air what to do, like come on now.” I finished my cup of coffee hearing Victoria laugh, turning around washing my cup. “Anyway what’s going on with you?” I asked drying the cup before opening the cabinet and putting it back where it belongs.

“Oh Your going to be making lunch when the two come back, one of the guards just inform me about it, so that’s why I came looking for you.” She sitting on the counter swinging her legs.

“Am I supposed to cook something or?” I raise an eyebrow and she shook her head no.

“Makar just wants a sandwich.” Victoria simply said and I nod my head as a question pops in my head for a second. 

“What’s up with the guards? What do Nikiforov need the for?” I asked walking out the kitchen towards the dining room and pulled a chair out before sitting down, Victoria came after doing the same thing but sat across from me. She stares at the table for a minute before looking up at me. 

“Been in touch with family at all since you arrived here?” She asked completely dismissing the question I asked her. 

“ not really, then again my family is not that big I have a younger sister who’s in her twenties and a grandmother.” I stare at the table for a moment. “Speaking on that I need to call them it’s been three days, I mean it’s not that big of a deal though because usually I talk to them once a week so yea.” I rest my head on my head looking back at Victoria and she gave me a small smile. 

“You off today lowkey so you might as well see them.” She suggested and I cringe a little because I ain’t really been seeing them lately just been on the phone. I find it awkward to like pop up in on them especially if the bond we have is sorta fading.

“I don’t know, I’ll think about it also you haven’t answered my question you’re not slick.”  I said and she rolled her eyes. 

“You know how rich people are, they get a certain amount of money and they feel the need to have bodyguards.” Victoria said shrugging her shoulders leaning back in the chair and I thought about it tapping my finger on the table, I guess what she said makes some kind of sense but then again it’s really not my business so I’ll just leave it at that. I got up from  my seat and Victoria tilt her head at me. “Where you going?” She asked and I shrug.

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