Chapter Twelve Unease

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I can’t sleep, the more I think about it the more unsettling it is in my stomach, just knowing the fact that someone may or may not be in the basement is keeping me up. I look over at the clock that sat on the table next to me and reads 3:30am i got up rubbing my eyes and ran my finger through my hair before folding my arms and pacing back and forth in my room. This is not really my business so why am I worrying about it? It makes no sense what I should do is try to  relax they could just be playing around and was telling some sort of an inside joke that I suddenly heard by mistake. Yea, yeah that sounds about right and like it’s not normal to keep someone in the basement like come on what is this a movie? No I’m just over thinking it I’m not in a house full with serial killers noo ha. I need a drink, I stopped pacing in my room and look at my door heading out and going up the steps. I stop looking down the hall and shiver a little before turning and heading towards the entry to pass the dining room to the kitchen. The manor is so quiet it’s like you can hear a pin drop a couple distance away. I open the fridge and sigh of relief thank god Victoria constantly stock even if one thing is missing, I reach and grab a starbucks vanilla frappuccino bottle and close the fridge.

“Marya?” I jump looking over to the entrance of the kitchen seeing Makar in his pajamas and his hair a mess. The tired boy rub his eyes looking irritated and I frown a little tilting my head. 

“What’s the matter?” I ask and as he dragged his feet coming over and resting his head on the side where my hip is.

“Hungry and I don’t feel so good.” His voice was quiet, I set the bottle on the counter and feel his neck and forehead, he’s burning up a little. 

“Makar you went outside with a jacket and hat yesterday how can you catch a cold? You weren't even outside for too long.” I said and he sighed looking down. 

“Took the jacket off because I didn’t want to wear it.” He said looking up at me and I squint my eyes at him and Makar shrugs his shoulders up shaking his head a little.”It wasn’t cold out to me.” He whine and I let out a sigh. 

“I’ll make you soup in the morning, want some warm milk before you go back to bed?” I asked and he nodded his head. I open the fridge again taking the milk out and take a cup out from the cabinet pouring the milk in there before putting it in the microwave and setting it on a minute. I look over to see Makar looking out the window blowing his breath on it doodling, I hummed  waiting for the minute to pass and once it got to the one second I stop it taking the cup out. It was a little hot and Makar walk over reaching for it and I hand it to him. He took a sip and nod his head and I grab my bottle walking Makar to his room. 

“Marya.” Makar spoke as we started to walk up the steps. 

“Yes?” I asked

“How come you don’t talk about your family? Or visit?” He asked and I thought about it for a while, the kid have a point and it shouldn’t really be complicated for me to keep in touch with my family but just barely don’t plus even before I worked here I was always the one to reach out to everyone and I’m not going to constantly do so. They can check up on me for once in a lifetime, ask me how I’m doing. Plus I always feel weird reaching out to family I didn’t talk to in months. 

“Because they are usually busy and It sucks trying to get their attention sometimes so I leave them alone.” I responded to him to where he can somewhat understand I guess. Makar nod his head while drinking some of his milk. 

“I know the feeling of not having attention.” He said and I was about to say awe but her spoke again with a smile. “But not anymore because you here.” I gave a smile in return as we walk down the hallway I pulled him close ruffling his hair as he guided our conversation to what toy he saw yesterday and wanted. I tuck him in bed and wish him goodnight before leaving out his room, walking down the hall I was about to go downstairs but stopped and tried to remember where Mr.Nikiforov room were. Remembering where Victoria showed me around the manor I arrived at my boss bedroom door, wow that sounds weird. Knock on it twice and waited for a response, I knock on it again still didn’t get one I was about to leave taking a step back but I continue to knock on his door and after a few seconds the door swung open revealing a messy bed head Mr.Nikiforov in a black tee and grey sweats but my eyes quickly looked at his face seeing the annoyance showed. 

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