Chapter Fourteenth He cares

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“Why in gods name would you speak nonchalant about what we do.” I rolled my eyes at Anastassia who shot me a glare eating her donut and let out a sigh. 

“Like I said I thought she knew like every maid and butler around here also shouldn’t that be like the first thing for her to know since she took it upon herself to work here?” She question and I dip my tea bag in my cup thinking about ways to hide this from Ruslan and everyone that’s here on top of that I have to make sure Marya don’t do anything dumb like run to the police about this.

“Well, no not exactly. Every worker here has been working for our family for the longest or were born into this type of lifestyle like us so it makes sense if they know but she’s a whole outsider we don’t know what she might do.” I took a sip of my tea, Anastassia and I are sitting outback while everyone is in the manor, we were going to talk about this upstairs in one of the guest bedrooms Ruslan gave us but knowing our brother Halston he like to bother everyone and be childish eavesdropping or just busting through the door and start bullshiting around. Swear the god dude should have just been seed mother swallowed, I crack a smile at that thought. 

“Well the two of you are friends right? If her loyalty is already settled then we shouldn’t have nothing to worry about.” She shrugged her shoulders and I sigh, my sisters never try to imagine herself in others situations which is true we lowkey can’t since we were born in this family we have no idea what a normal lifestyle is like. We were raised if we don’t like certain people we handle it by making them disappear. 

“Worry about what?” A voice pops in our conversation, Anastassia and I tense up hearing Caesar voice we look over behind us seeing him leaning against the door with his hands in his pocket. 

“We can’t find any dresses so we are complaining about it so mine your business and go back in the manor.” Anastassia said in a snappy tone and I agreed with her.

"Why are you so hostile over a simple dress? You two have enough bags anyway." He folded his arms and I leaned my head back before giving Anastassia a look. "It's not over a dress, what are you two stressed about." He asked pulling a chair up right beside us and Anastassia bit her lip looking at me before we share a look towards Caesar who just wore a blank expression. 

"It's Stassi fault." I pointed at her and instantly got hit in the shoulder. 

Marya POV

I heard a knock and I tried to ignore it puting the pillow over my head but then I heard it again but it was non stop. I murmured opening my eyes looking at clock reading the time 5pm. So much for a cat nap, I got up and opened the door looking at no one until I looked down a bit seeing Makar with bed head and a red nose one tissue up his nostril. He still had his pajamas on but he is holding a couple of books and cards.

"Why in God's name are you not in bed?" I ask as the little boy walked in and setting the stuff down on the table next to my bed before getting on it. I close my door and I walk over touching Makar forehead and neck, still burning up.

"He won't let me breatheee." He said laying down and getting underneath my covers. I giggle at the little grouch.

"Explain." I said and I was greeted with a long sigh next.

"I ate soup more than I can count, I laid in bed all day. I have a headache, my throat itchy and I can't have candy, the beef soup is nasty and the tomato soup is okay. He's making me take cold medicine." Makar complained and I smiled softly at him seeing the messy fluffy hair lift up and went back down. Pfff he hit his head on the pillow awe cute and dramatic. 

"Makar you are sick and your father is trying to help." I rub and pat his back.

"By telling me to lay and get rest? Ha no thanks." He turned his head a little looking at me before he huffed and faced the wall. Oh he's similar to his father .. pouty.

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