Chapter Eleven Uncomfortable information

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This dinner actually went well I didn’t really talk I stayed silent most of the time and when I was asked a few questions here and there I would answer. What i am doing currently well I am in the living room watching Makar and Afanas bicker back and forth on how one sunk the other ship. They’re playing a board game called battleship and for kids I didn’t know that this game can get intense, Avey and Anastassia was on the left of me on the couch while their mother sat across from us in the comfy chair legs cross sipping on her coffee she yelled at one of the maids to get. Mr. Nikiforov mother is very demanding and might I say very intimidating for her age never seen this woman smile not once since she had arrived like come on your grand babies are here at least show some type of of warmth. I was met with her eyes and quickly shift mine to the wall. 

“Marya what dress are you wearing?” Anastassia voice appear grabbing my attention I looked over at her tilting my head showing a confused expression.

“For what?” I asked and her and Avery rolled their eyes and scoot closer to me.

“For our family event.” Avery add on and I slowly nod my head. 

“Oh I’m not attending.” I shrug my shoulders. 

“Why not it would be fun.” Avery said and Anastassia laugh shaking her head. 

“Don’t lie now, It’s basically all of our family coming over and some other families that are tied with ours. We are accepting a few new people to ours so that’s what this event is about also getting judged on how you look.” Anastassia rolled her eyes at the last part and I smiled a little feeling a bit uncomfortable. 

“Yeah I think ima just stay in my room I’m not even family I’m just the nanny.” I was about to say something else but got interrupted. 

 “You two are friendly, she works here she’s not a guest doesn't treat her as so.” A calm yet firm tone came from their mother and I looked at her dead expression before she moved her eyes back to whatever magazine she was reading. It became silent for a while till Anastassia yawn stretching.

“Well we can bring plus ones right? She’ll be my plus one.” She replied and Avery held in a laugh seeing how their other look at us again and shook her head rolling her eyes getting up walking away. 

“Marya can we go outside, the backyard it’s boring in here and you don’t really have to watch me.” Makar tap my leg and smiled proudly towards the end of his sentence I smiled and nod my head. 

“Put a jacket on it’s a little windy.” I said getting up going to the little coat rack where his jacket hang and I can hear his little footsteps followed me. I look back to see Afanas bothering Avery and the reason I said bothering because her expression changed into a glare causing her son to smile and laugh.

“I don’t need a jacket I’m tough.” Makar said and beat his chest trying to puff it out I giggle and and put the jacket over his head. 

“You can be tough and still wear a jacket, I will not have you catch a cold little boy.” I said folding my arms and Makar moved the jacket from his head and stared at me squinting his eyes a whole minute pass and he huff putting the jacket on. I grab his little knitted hat I made and try to put it on his head but he moved to the side. I looked at him and he smiled and moved again as I attempt to put it over his head, I shoot him a glare as he began to laugh and I tried not to smile. “Put the hat on boy.” I said plucking his forehead and he ran as my eyes follow him to his father who smirk ruffling the boy hair. I stood up straight folding my arms seeing Mr.Nikiforov pick Makar up and the boy was trying to get out of the hold as his father came over. 

“You traitor let me go.” Makar laugh kicking but slowly stop burning out his little stamina the boy sigh holding a pout as I reach up a little putting his hat on. Mr.Nikiforov put him down and Makar ran away. I smile shaking my head. 

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