Chapter Thirteenth Is there an option?

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“Marya are you listening?” I heard my name and lifted my head up looking at Avery seeing the gown she had on that was fully white but had some gold sparkles at the top. I yawn a little covering my mouth feeling a bit tired since we've been out shopping for what seems like a whole hour but I can't really judge since I barely step out the manor the day that I began working there. 

"Sorry what did you say?" I asked leaning back in my seat and fighting my sleep while holding some dresses that are on my lap.

"What do you think?" Avery moved her dress a little trying to grab my attention. I held in a little laugh as Anastassia shook her head before looking back on her phone.

"Ugly change it." She said and Avery gasp putting her hand over her chest dramatically. 

"Marya is it true? You think it's ugly?" Avery slowly rolled her eyes at her sister and put them back on me.

"Well...if you're getting ready for a wedding and need to find a last minute dress then's decent." I smiled a little and Anastassia burst out laughing causing Avery to flip us both off. She turns around going back into the changing room and I got up walking over giving her the other dress over the little lock door. Before turning back on my heels and sitting back down in this comfortable chair. I tilt my head back some closing my eyes still feeling tired.

"Bored?" Anastassia spoke and I shook my head no and yawn.

"Tired, just need some coffee." I said lifting my head back up.

"You're quiet too.” She pointed out and I looked over at her.

“I’m not really a social butterfly, If I don’t know you like that I stay quiet.” I said leaning back in the chair and Anastassia nodded her head and continued to text on her phone. I should have brought mine to avoid awkward conversations like this.

“What was your job before you became a nanny?” Anastassia put her phone in her pocket and looked at me, I shifted my eyes towards the ceiling.

“Was in retail then quit and worked at a call center. Also I had another job which was just housekeeping at a high class hotel. On my way home that’s where I heard about this job I had now.” I explained and sat up a little making eye contact. “Well actually no I apply to be a maid but your brother gave me this job with and constantly cut me off when I was trying to speak up.” I glare a little but my expression changed thinking about what I got out of it, which was Makar, I see him as a son now. Yeah I must admit feelings are attached. “What about you? What’s your occupation?” I asked her to actually have a conversation since she and Avery won’t let me nap.

“I’m a lawyer for the family and others that’s tied to us.” She smiles and I tilt my head somewhat knowing what that means but then again it’s just based off of common sense and an assumption. 

“Oh” I try to think of what to say but honestly can’t really. “Must be nice working in like a justice system.” I comment and she scoff. 

“Yeah when you bend everything in your favor.” She said getting back on her phone and I raised an eyebrow. 

“You bend laws?” I ask and Anastassia shrugs her shoulders and nods her head, not looking back about me invested in her phone.

“Yeah, like not to long ago I think it was like a month or two but our brother Halston was wrap up in a murder case but thanks to me, money and crooked cops we were able to slide by also the judge owe be a soild.” Anastassia said without batting an eyelash and I stared at her for a second before turning my head towards the store window trying to ignore what she just said. 

“Your brother killed someone?” I ask and I felt like there was a frog in my throat, hoping her answer is going to be no but from being around her so far Anastassia has a blunt trait. 

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