Chapter Thirty Eignt Fix it

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It's ten o'clock, I know he said he'll be back around lunch time but to be honest it shouldn't take him that long to collect money. Just how many people owe him? I just got out of the shower not to long ago so I'm just in the living room brushing Makar hair because for some reason it's always messy. We suppose to go out later so I had on a nice black bodysuit with brown and white floral print high waisted pants with the same print on my head wrapped. Makar have on a brown shirt and white pants which I told him to changed into some type of jeans since he's going to be playing outside but he whined and complain saying it wont match. I honestly think he wanted to match with me so I let it slide this once.

"Oh my god do you have to brush so hard." He complained and I sigh stopped brushing his hair. It was big and fluffy now and he got up and stretch scratching his side before looking at me. His hair was covering his face but the boy shoot me smile shaking his head jogging around the living room a bit. "I'm free."

"Come on and let me put it in a ponytail." I said and he stopped shaking his head no. I waved him off and lean down picking the remote off the floor I changed from cartoons to the news to see the temperature today since it was sunny outside. 

A knock came for the door and Makar went to see who it was. I got up telling him to get away from the door and get his soccer ball because we was getting ready to leave anyway. He pouted but listen, I look through the peephole to see Ruslan mother and father at the door. I opened it as the two walked straight in and his mother handed me her purse which was heavy might I add so I set it on the end table. They both was talking in their first language before stop and do a double take at me. His mother looked me up and down as His Father raised and eyebrow before speaking.

"Where's Ruslan?" He asked and I was about to answer before his wife put her hand out signaling me to hold my tongue as she tilt her glasses looking down a bit to get a good look at me. 

"You're dress decent today, where's your uniform?" She asked and I rub the back of my neck.

"I um well, Ruslan won't be back until lunch and-" I was interrupted with Makar coming back towards me but stop looking at his grandparents.

"они свидание, привет дедушка,бабушка." (They dating.Hi Grandpa,Grandma) He said giving them a head before standing besides me. The two looked at me as silence took over, I felt like they was judging me but to my suprise Ruslan mother smiled nodding her head as she extend her hand. I shooked it, kinda of confused because we met before but I really don't feel like asking why she did that.

"So Ruslan took liking towards you, how cute." She look me up and down once more before pushing her glasses back a little. "New but cute anyway where is he?" She asked me and I stare at her debating if I wanted to say something a tab bit slick but I held my tongue. 

"I don't know, he said he was going out collecting debt today but it's been a while." I said honestly and she nod her head.

"Hm, then I would like to have a conversation with you." She said, I nod my head and her husband snatch the ball from Makar heading towards the back. Makar smile following him, as the two of us slowly followed behind, I grabbed her purse handing it back to her as she gladly took it back.

"My name Ida my husband." She pointed towards him as we finally ended in the back yard watching him kicking the soccer ball around with Makar. "Ruslava." She finished, looking around she spot a maid watering the flowers nearby. Ida whistle her over asking her to bring a wine bottle and two glasses,she wanted white. "You drink?" 

"On occasions." I said as we walk to a spot that was shaded and sat down.

"Well consider this one a special occasion. Getting to know boyfriend mother." She lean back in her chair crossing her legs while she was digging in her purse.

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