Chapter Fifty One Charming Pain

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I woke up and stretched rubbing my back, damn this bitch really hurts. Ima have to make a damn doctor's appointment. I sat up on the couch digging in my pocket I check the time realizing it's going on two o clock. I look around to see no one but the tv playing. I got up and left the living room walking as round Ruslan fat ass mansion.

I made it to an area that seem to be like a living room it's all white, the couch, rugs etc. The only color is the paintings and plants that where on the table. This must be the family room, I saw Avery and Anastassia here. Anastassia was posing in the couch with a cup of wine in her hand. Pffft and Avery doing the most taking pictures while moving across the room saying gotta get them angles. I laugh at her grabbing both of their attention.

"Oh she's up. Afternoon pooh." Avery greeted me and I wave walking over.

"Instagram?" I asked pointed at the phone and Anastassia smile putting one hand over her chest.

"Yes, gotta flaunt what I have you know." She flip her hair and I held in a laugh. Sorry but I will never understand rich people.

"Ah i see." I nod my head and Avery look at me.

"You okay?" She asked and I sat down next to Anastassia who posed again and I threw up a middle finger as Avery took the picture and walk over giving Anastassia her phone.

"I honestly don't know." I answered and she frown.

"Halston an asshole." Anastassia buts in and I snort laughing. 

"I'm always attracted to the assholes." I face palm myself. "Ay don't get me wrong though Ion take disrespect, hit your brother with a baseball bat a couple of times for being a bitch." I said and Anastassia eyes lit up.

"You hit him with a bat!?" I laugh at her nodding my head.

"Tased him too, not on the same day though." I waved off and she laugh and Avery smile shaking her head while she's on the phone.

"Oh my god that's rich, I would of kill to record that. He ain't did shit?" She asked and I shook my head no.

"He wasn't gonna do shit if he tried, don't let Marya fool y'all we grew up in the ghetto guns and threats don't bother me. Probably my sister because she a softy though, ain't nothing wrong with that." I laugh. "Marya will cry and still beat someone ass in the process." I said and Anastassia took a sip of her wine nodding her head.

"Oop speaking of Marya I have tea." She said putting her wine down and Avery hung up her phone leaning over so she can hear. I sat up some.

 "Spill." Avery and I both said n'sync. 

"Okay like not to long a go I think like an hour I went upstairs to use the bathroom because ian feel like walking all the way down that damn hall to use the bathroom plus the one of stairs were close to the livi-" 

"Bitch if you wont get to the point." Avery cut her off and I laughed because Anastassia face expression showed that she was offended and she rolled her ass.

"Any damn way. When I was done using the bathroom I was going to ask Ruslan something he wasn't in his office so I was gonna go to his room but I stop halfway down that hall cause I heard." She cut herself off clapping her hand in a rhythm and my eyes widen and Avery screamed laughing I covered my ears because the bitch was loud.

"Finally." She yelled and I died bruh theses hoes finna make me die of laughter. 

"She threw it back honestly I'm proud." I said folding my arms and I raised an eyebrow. 

"Hold on are they done?" I asked because I'm about to leave I wanted to talk to Marya for a little while before I do.

"I don't know I'm not going back up there I'm scarred for life." Anastassia joke and I rolled my eyes before getting up from the couch.

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