Chapter Forty Two Build Your Respect

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Unimpressed that's been this man mood all day,we've looking all day for a decent building but everytime when I'm ready to say yes Ruslan buts in saying the storage is not big enough. Irritated and looking at the time it's now six and mind you him and I still have stuff to do today. Earlier he reminded me that we're having dinner with a couple of his friends and I remember counting that as a date but the more he disagree the more he holding us up and Lyanna looked ten times annoyed from earlier. We in our last building and it's very pretty on the outside plus there were a local garden right beside it really pretty. Lyanna stood at the top of the steps arms folded.

"Last one." She said turning around heading inside and we followed her. The inside was really nice looks like a big hall stepping inside. The floors were dark wooden and there were white pillars that greeted us in, the walls where the same color as the pillars but half of it was the same color as the floor. We step looking around and before I get to saying anything Lyanna spoke. "Check out the storage before I provide any other information Ruslan." She said in a sharp tone and he gave her a glare, oh yeah I've forgot theses two has been going at it since the third offer. Lyanna voice that the previous back storages were bigger than the regular diner and Ruslan just argue by saying it wasn't enough and so the two been playing slick comments to one another all day. Ruslan went to go check leaving me and Lyanna alone which makes us have a little time to have our own conversation. 

"Are we stressing you?" I asked walking over to her, she was at a section that had a little bar and I put my purse on the table as she leaned against it on her phone typing furiously.

"No, something else is bothering me." She said and I frown.

"Wanna talk about it?" I asked and she shrug her shoulders.

"It's personal, kind of. I just not ready to talk about it." She said before she looked at me. "How much is rehab?" She asked and I raised an eyebrow.

"Google it? I don't know to be honest why." I asked and bit her lip looking back at her phone typing.

"A friend a junkie." She said and I replied with an oh nodding my head.

"Is there anything I need to know about this building." I asked.

"Same as the last one just bigger I'll send you all the documents and paperwork later when I get home. Only thing different is that it's a little spacious." She admit and I nod my head. It didn't take to long for Ruslan to come back and join us. We look at him as I took my purse off the table and Lyanna rest her arm against it tilting her head. "We buying?"

"Yes." He said and the three of us walked out going back to the car getting in. The car ride was fine it was a lot of small talk before we drop Lyanna off and went on our way home. 

I lean my head against my hand closing my eyes enjoying the car ride home listening to the radio.

"Tired?" Ruslan spoke and I shook my head no.

"Only a little bit, what time is it?" I asked him and it fell silent before he answered.

"Seven." He said and I hummed

"What time are we supposed to be there?" 

"Now." He said and I lift my head up looking at him.

"We're not going home aren't we?" I asked  and nod his head agreeing.

"Yeah no, it's an important meeting I can't miss out on all the Don's are going to be there." He said and I nod my head leaning my seat back a little.

"Are you like the very important one or?" My words drifted off as I try to reword my sentence. "How does that work?" I asked out of curiosity and he look at me then at the rode.

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