Chapter Twenty Two Bad Communication

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The car ride was silent for a while and when we arrived home Makar stood close to me as I waited on the top of the porch for his father car to pull up. I ruffle his hair seeing the silver car pulls up, I pat Makar back making him look at me.

"Go take a nap love." I said and he finally let go of me but gave me a tight hug before running back inside the house. Mr.Nikiforov got out and walk up looking a bit confused.

"Makar actually do have a problem in school." I said and his confusion went to a serious expression. He tilt his head towards the door indicating for me to follow and I do. 

"Where is he?" He asked as we walked up the steps, he looks back at me and motioned his hand for me to move up some. I went from walking behind him to beside him and began to speak.

"He went in his room to take a nap. Told me he was tired." I lie just this one time for Makar and his father stare at me for a moment and continue to walk it seems like we were going to his office. 

"Explain to me the problem." He said as he open the door holding it as I walk in and he closed it. I took at seat in one of the chairs as he walk around the desk sitting down opening his laptop. Workaholics I tell you.

"Bullying." I said and he was about to stop and look at me leaning back in his chair.

"Bullying?" He questioned and I not my head. It was silence for a couple of moments until he gather his words together. "Did he tell you who? Name? What they look like?" He ask you can tell in his voice there were concern.

"He wouldn't tell me." I cross my legs leaning back getting comfortable a bit. "He told me he didn't want you to be upset." I said and he nod his head. "I think we should pull his teachers a side and address this situation before it gets any worse." I let a suggestion out and he nodded his head.

"Go get Makar." He said and I was a little taken back. His tone was became more serious and he instantly looked pissed.

"He went to take-"
"I'm not asking you I'm telling you, bring my son here …" he said going back to type on his computer. I stared at him for a while before he spoke a again. "Please" he looked at me and I nod my head. I got up walking out his office heading straight to Makar room. I knock on his door before entering to see him on his bed leaning his back against the wall on his switch. I smile a little and he look up and stop slouching against the wall sitting up straight.  


"Your father wants to see you love." I said and he frown and you can obviously see his mood shift.

"Did you told him I'm asleep?" He asked and I nod my head. The boy sigh turning his game off and getting down from his bed as he walk pass me out his room. I close the door as him and I walk back to his father office. He peek his head in before looking back at me and I nudge him to go. The two of us enter and sat down. Mr.Nikiforov was busy typing away on his lap top. He stopped after a few minutes went by and closed it.

"What's their name." Mr.Nikiforov simply asked and Makar mumble under his breath making me and Mrs.Nikiforov lean a little to hear him but couldn't make out what he said.
"Speak up boy." He said and Makar sigh.

"Ion wanna tattle tale." He said and I rubbed his back.

"We don't want you to get bullied anymore, your father just want to know so he can have a nice conversation with their parents." I said and hoping that Mr.Nikiforov do so. Makar shift in his seat looking down.

"Clarence..... Clarence Ricci." He said a bit louder for us to here and I Mr.Nikiforov eyes squinted staring at his son.

"Ricci? Okay thank you Makar do me a favor stay away from him and if that's a problem you know my number to call right?" He said and Makar nod his head. "Alright you can go back to your room." He said, Makar and I stood up but Mr.Nikiforov held his hand up. "Marya I still need to talk to you and Makar before you go what did he do." He said and Makar started to mess with his hands again.

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