Chapter Forty One Normalized It

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"Boy mind your business and go play." I tap Makar head. Him, Ruslan and I were at Avery house waiting on Lyanna to come by so we can start looking at which building to buy for the new diner. The boy suck his teeth as him and his cousin walk away leaving the three of us to talk. Avery was looking at me smiling and I tilt my head. 

"What?" I asked she laugh a little.

"You use to hate him." She pointed at Ruslan who was busy was cutting himself a piece of pie Avery made. For a cold hearted killer you wouldn't think he'll have a sweet tooth. 

"Key word use to. He still get on my nerves a little." I said and we share a laugh.

"What's funny?" I heard Ruslan voice as he walk over to join us.

"You. On a serious note what do the two of you have planned for today? Must be special if Makar spending the night on a school night." Avery said smiling wiggling her eyebrows. I rolled my eyes waving her off and looked at Ruslan who was living his best life eating pie, I lean over a little opening my mouth and he looked at me and break a piece giving me some.

"Nothing special but we waiting on her sister to come over so we can look over theses buildings downtown." Ruslan explained as I was busy chewing. 

"Oh yeah Lyanna right? She so nice." Avery said and I nod my head as she went to sit down on the couch as we follow to do the same.

"Have you seen the news?" I asked and Ruslan sucked his teeth and I hit his arm.

"Oh figure that was you." Avery sat up. "Ain't no way in hell a house fire can randomly start at what? Five in the morning?" She waved her hand around crossing her legs as she reach out on the end table taking a sip of her wine.

"Anyways, the family has a go fund me I would-" was cut off by her holding a finger out.

"Marya I love you like your the best very selfless too but make it make sense. What can we do besides giving money?" She ask raising and eyebrow and Ruslan laugh leaning over putting his plate on the table.

"That's what I've been trying to tell her." He said and I hold a finger up to him.

"Um but he." I pointed at him "took it upon himself to kill my ex. So I feel as though it's on me." Said honestly and Avery tap her glass thinking.

"How? Did you told him to kill your ex?" She asked and I rolled my eyes.

"No.I was in a venerable state venting." I said tilt my head looking at her like she crazy and she put her hands up as if she was surrendering.

"Don't be snapping I'm just saying, plus it's not on you it's on Ruslan he took action so you really wanna stress yourself out more over trying to do a good deed especially to someone family mind you your ex probably was a dick." She pointed out but I really can't argue. We sat in silence before I came to a decision and I looked at Ruslan.

"When I tell you anything or vent as before please let me know what you are thinking. I'm not going to tell you what to do but I will like to know what you are thinking." I said and Him and I stared at each other. 

"Fine, I see no problem with that and I don't have to spend money on unnecessary shit." He smile and went to kiss my cheek but I stop him.

"Still cranky don't do it." I said and he sucked his teeth while Avery laughed. We heard a bang and the three of us looked over at the front door before seeing Halston and Lyanna entering. Oh wow that's a shocker there, Halston eyes darted towards me and he walks over to us with a pissed off look. At this time I just think he'll never smile.

"Ima kill that thing." He said pointing at Lyanna who slowly followed sipping on her straw holding her cup and the bag in her other hand.

"Oh the two of you went to wendy's?" I asked and my little sister smile at me nodding her head coming over taking a seat on the other side of me.

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