Chapter Twenty Six Reveal

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"Eeeee" Lyanna giggle having a bunch of clothes in one arm while holding up a cute top in the other. I'm taking her on a shopping spring do to the fact I have a lot of money in my account. I peep that I got some kind of bonus today because he gave me even more that usual. 

"Try them on." I said digging in my pocket feeling my phone buzz I look at it and saw Avery text messages saying she's down from where we were at on her way up. I shoot her a quick text back replying okay bringing my attention back to Lyanna.

"What do you do again?" She asked me leaning one of the racks. 

"I'm a Nanny..for billionaire? I think I don't know I barely talk to my boss." I said and she scoff looking me up and down.

"If you throwing ass back ian blaming you." She said and I bust out laughing at her.

"He did not touch me in anyway." I said smiling a little rubbing the back of my neck. Beside that one time but I honestly don't want to talk about that nor tell her. She's dramatic also very disrespectful in the mouth I'm not tryna have her in any sign of danger.

"Mm shame your boss is cute." She said going back to look through clothes and I raised an eyebrow.

"I beg your pardon?" I asked and she just shrug. "How do you know what my boss look like?" I asked and she look up at me.

"I'm not fucking ignorant you know, I actually listen to you. When you was doing like housekeeping or whatever you told me about the job. His last name and that he owns a couple of businesses so I took that information to google. You can do anything with just a search." She said and I smiled at her. "Gotta make sure the nigga ain't a psychopath." She rolled her eye and child only it you knew.

"Boo" I jump smack someone behind me and look back see Avery pouting holding her nose.

"Rude." She comment and I laugh giving her a hug and she hugged back. 

"Hi lovey." I said and she giggle.

"Oh my god it's been so long." She whined and I rolled my eyes breaking the hug. 

"Child it's been a week." I hit her arm playfully. "Don't be extra." I said and she put her arm on my shoulder leaning.

"Yes but I've been tied up on work lately everything been hectic, hello I'm Avery." She complained but also reach her hand out towards Lyanna and my sister smile shaking her hand.

"Lyanna, I'm her baby sister and very opposite from Marya." She said and we all shared a quick laugh.

"I've been told." Avery said as she moved starting to look at a few clothes. Lyanna put her hand over her chest shock.

"Awe you talk about me.This is the first." She said and Avery looked shock.

"A lot, child don't mind her she's acting a fool." I waved her off.

"Anyways I'll be right back gonna go try theses on." Lyanna said leaving going to the dressing room as I move where Avery were.

"Can I talk with you for a moment." I said in a hush tone and she nod my head still going through the racks.

"When was the first time you witness someone you know die in front of you?" I asked and she stop and looked at me.

"What happened." 

"Umm it's hard to explain but basically um he shot two people this morning downstairs it happened so fast." I whisper a little and she face palm. 

"You okay though?" She asked and I nod.

"I just feel a little ..not gonna lie scared, but he didn't really do anything else beside telling me to do him a favor and take the day off." I said and she raised an eyebrow.

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