Chapter One Hundred And Ten Sorting

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Walking in the principals office looking around I finally the clean space my eyes landed on Makar who was sitting in a chair with an angry expression slouching in his seat as his right leg kept tapping the ground. Shifting my eyes from left to right I see tall ass Ln'eta standing against the wall with her arms cross having a piss off expression along with the child that sat in the seat in front of her, the boy resembled her very much sharing a scrunched up mad expression.

While on our way to picked up Makar we got a called from the school informing us that he was in a fight with a couple of classmates.

He choose to fight at the end of the school day?

Ruslan and I moved forward to stand by Makar while the principal was typing away on his computer holding a stress look on his face.

"What happened?" I asked since the room was quiet, my eyes shift to Ln'eta looking her up and down while she rolled her eyes huffing checking her watch.

"Makar assaulted his classmate Trevor over a disagreement and a few others." The principal look at me with a blank face. I think his name is Mr. Martin or something I can't remember.

"My son hit people unless he's provoked." Ruslan stated.

"So you're saying my kid was the one who provoked him." Ln'eta spoke with a sassy tone pointing at her child as I just stared dead at her.

"The two of them will me suspen-

"My son was attacked and he's getting-

"Can you shut the fuck up. Please you're aggravating as fuck." I spoke in a sharp tone, I peep Ruslan crack smile as Makar looked at me a little surprise. The dumb ass across from us squint her eyes at me as I tilt my head as if I'm saying what. Turning my attention to the principal.

Mr. Martin cleared his throat followed by a sigh.

"The two will be suspended, Trevor will get a three day suspension while Makar will get ten school days." He announced and I raised an eyebrow while Makar just groaned and shrugged his shoulders.

"I think that's fair." Ln'eta spoke and my eyes snapped on her.

I wanna smack her.

"Why do Makar have extra days?" Ruslan finally spoke, grabbing our attention.

"Being deliberately disobedient or disorderly towards our teachers, Being violent and Hurting or threatening to hurt someone with a dangerous weapon which are theses objects that are displayed on my desk right now." He answered, gesturing his hand over the a book, stapler and scissors but it lowkey looked like sheers .

"So he tried to hurt someone with those items." I stated and he nod.

"Correct, now as a student he has the right to be heard-

"Y'all wasn't trying to let me talk." Makar cut him off resting his head on his hand.

Not this school stressing my son out.

"Would you like to speak now?" The principal asked and I bit my tongue because I didn't like how his tone was towards my kid.

"Not if fat ass gonna talk over me." He answered, I watched as the boy flick my son off.

"We just talk about respecting our peers." The man attempted to try to keep the piece but knowing Makar, he's stubborn. I watched Trevor and Makar glare at each other, Makar started casually cracking his knuckles.

" I was in Ms Metz class trying to do my work, him and his friends were being loud. I can't understand if the class is fucking loud so being mad I asked them to shut up." Makar pointed at Trevor. "He kept talking and both him and his friend are next to my desk loud in my ear I asked them to shut up and he threw a paper ball at me. I allow that to happen but then all of them start throwing stuff at me. So I hit him with the textbook." Makar told his side and I looked at Trevor who rolled his eyes kicking the little trash can lightly.

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