Chapter Seventy Four Checkmate

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"See I told you it would be nice." Nadia said as I smile feeling the masseuse place the stones on my back.

"Nadia you live like a fucking Queen." I said dramatically. Today's a new day Ruslan suggested that Nadia and I should do a spa day since him and Otabek are going to take the boys hunting in the mountains. It most definitely didn't fly by me because kids and guns don't fucking work. Nadia assure me that they don't let the boys touch the guns, they help them with setting traps. 

Bitch like that's supposed to calm me down, it literally took them an hour for me to give me the green light.

"I have Otabek to thank." She said and I lift my head turning it to the side looking at her and she did the same shooting me a smile.

"You look happy." I said and she giggle waving me off.

"Big papa keep me happy." She wink and we share a laugh. "You finally look relaxed for once I remember you leaving yesterday like you had something on your chest." She pointed out.

"I'm annoyed how know me so well." I tease.

"That makes two of us." She slip a laugh out before reaching for the wine taking a sip. "So what happened?" She asked and I let out a sigh, Nadia snap her fingers waving the girls off to go do something else while we talk. 

"My sister and I are not on good terms at the moment. I've been thinking earlier to see her view on things. Which I still feel like I need time to think we fought before but usually I cave in a just act like nothing happen but this time its bother some." I said sitting up fixing my towel around me as I reach grabbing my glass of wine taking a sip.

"Oh sibling are a pain." Nadia commented and I laugh nodding. "I'm one out of eighteen so I know a thing or two about arguments." She said and I cough choking on the wine because she said what she said.

"Golly eighteen of yall?" I asked and she laugh sitting up adjusting her towel. 

"I know, they fuck like rabbit. Otabek think he's cute saying he wants to beat that high score." I burst out laughing as she try her best to but gave in.

"Not high score." I held my stomach still laughing a little. 

"Right!? Like my uterus ain't no damn tank we damn near close to ten." She complained and I couldn't help but laugh again.

"I support Otabek in this situation." I joke earning a hand cloth in the face that she threw and I threw it back at her.

"Better fucking not because if that's the case ik telling Ruslan you want twenty, get you a whole army." She laugh seeing squinted my eye. "Ou Marya I have to tell you before I forget. As you know you're in our top circle dude our men I thought it would be nice to meet some of the ladies." She smile and I gave one in return.

"Is the Don's having an event coming up?" I asked and she gave me a so so motion with her hand.

"Its basically you meeting the rest of your soon to be hubby friends. Remember in America we had that meeting at the restaurant and you met everyone?" She asked and nod my head. "Those are our friends, the girls want to get to know you a little more and since I'm close with you they thought it would be a good idea for me to asked." She said and I awe watching her refill both our glasses. 

"I don't bite they could've ask in person I would love to." I told her and she nod her head agreeing.

"You do know your about to be married one of the most dangerous man Marya it make sense for people to be scared to approach you damn near Ruslan. In our position we have a lot of power, you might wanna get use to it." She held her glass out waiting for me and I picked mine up clinking them together. 

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