Chapter Ninety One Phone Calls

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"I'm surprised you're up at this time." I said with the phone on speaker, the other person on the end was Lyanna. It's nine over here and Ruslan left with Makar not too long ago to take the boy to school. We both try to get back in the habit in calling one another but it's hard to catch her sometimes since Russia time zone is a bit ahead.

"Girl it's four over here my ass is gonna be up." She said as I heard her turned the tv down.

"Well I'm just saying, shit I know I get tired around that time and would want to take a nap." I said jokingly and she gave a dry laugh.

"That's because you take care of a whole 8 year old and pregnant." She responded and a small smile found its way to my lips.

"Speaking of kids, how's the pregnancy?" I asked while turning the tv off. I'm downstairs on the couch, being in the bedroom felt too depressing. I reached for the book I was reading last night that was placed on the table. I tried to get a quick read in but Makar was active this morning.

"I'm six months with swollen feet while I'm starting barely see Halston at the fucking house. He got Danill over here running like a servant Having that boy up my ass as if I should be watch twenty four fucking seven." She complains and I laugh a little, I genuinely miss my sister. I understand she's a phone call away but I kinda want her here especially since I know about this whole blackmail and warrant shit.

"Try not to stress, that's what I'm attempting to do but Ruslan is making it hard. I couldn't even sleep in the same room I had to sneak out and crash in Makar. The boy was so smart he asked if we got in a fight and I lied saying I just wanted some time with him." I told her and she became silent.

"Are you alright? Like actually okay. Not trying to be extra but I know how your last pregnancy went. Just because you won't beat the fuck out of Ruslan doesn't mean I won't." She said and I laughed but she wasn't joking. "Marya I'm not playing." She said with a stern voice.

"Lyanna I'm okay if I am really stressed I wouldn't hesitate to call you." I respond while opening the book but still paying attention to the conversation.

"Mhm okay, ou let me tell you what type of bullshit Halston been on, Why the fuck I caught his ass lying when he took me to get my nails done the other day and on top of that this morning I saw this nigga putting on a fucking police uniform on." She started to gossip and I raised an eyebrow.

"Don't you have to go to police school to become a police officer?" I asked and she and made an irritated sound and I assumed she slapped her thigh because I heard something being hit.

"SO IAN TRIPPIN, I asked him the same shit his ass gonna tell me." She cut herself off attempting to sound like him. "I got to get something from the station with a couple people." She finished and I held in my laugh trying to focus on why in the hell he's going there. I closed my book rubbing my forehead.

Lord help me.

"He going to be around actual police officers?" I asked.

"He said it's a bit of both, some crooked cops and some that actually take their job seriously." She sigh and I rolled my eyes. "Do you even know what's going on because he ain't explaining shit and every time he do it doesn't make sense the man can't keep a straight lie unless his freedom on the fucking line." She said and I frown because I'm not sure if telling her what I know would add or decrease her damn stress. Shit if it's adding to mine it might add to hers.

"I don't know but if I find anything I'll tell you." I said feeling bad because I just lie, hearing her huff on the other end.

"Okay well besides all the fuckery that's going on, grandma called complaining on how we stop visiting her." Lyanna tone soften up and I ran my fingers through my hair.

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